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Poetry - God, Existence, Reality, Spirituality, Love

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Take from this whatever you want.

I will just do it my own way.



Edited by Highest

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I remember, looking at this beautiful butterfly in Morocco. I asked myself, who created this?

Years has went by...

What an adventure...

Just this question...

Almost lost my mind...

Now, I know.

It was not me. Not me. But who?

Would you believe me if I said... GOD?

Would you believe me if I said, "I have meet God?"

I don't know. I just know most don't.

But it doesn't matter. No, it's my direct experience after all.


It's my direct experience after all....


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The precious love...

The individuated love.

The love for God.

The Absolute Love of God Himself.

All is love. Love is ever-present, everything.

But now, my focus is on individuted love.

I am honest with you: I have yet the ability to love all, to love evil doers.

I am just a human after all.

But I know without a single doubt...

Love me, and I will love you... Unconditionaly.

For there are no conditions in love. No conditions.

But I'm focused, focused on my love...

I know she loves me. After all, I gave her my heart.

What human could decline that offer?

So she gave me her heart.

And I know, I know, this love is to die for. In this love...


I am not.

Existence is not.

Even God Himself is not...


But there it is, shining like the bright sun...

Standing untouched, with no opposite or rival.

For eternity.



love love love love.


Only love....

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God asked me in a dream once, "Who created you?"

I awoke and...

I looked at my mother and father.

I found nothing there.

I looked at science.

I found nothing there.

Looked at religion.

Found nothing there.

Then I looked at myself...

Looked at my precision engineered body. Searched within my soul and heart...

Once I did that, I kneeled and answered...


You, O Supreme. Only You.

They believe I'm insane because I cannot show God to them or explain Him...

But the Truth is...

I'm insane, insane in God and Love...

Now and for eternity.

For eternity.


I shall remain insane...


In Love, in God...


For eternity.


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They say, "Kill your ego!"

They say, "Annihilate your mind!"

I say, "Why would I make that mistake?"

No, my mind is precious.

My ego is precious.

My body is precious.

Feel it, be aware and conscious of it.

God designed, precision engineered and formed you in your mothers womb.

So you could be here now. See, feel, be aware and conscious.

Look at your precious body. How it's designed to it's very detail.

So you could touch yourself and others body. Feel the sensations. Feel the emotions.

He gave you life, so you could breathe and feel your breath.

He gave you a mind, so you could dream to infinity. Imagine, create from scratch.

He gave you a ego, so you could be the unique you.

So we, as two, could interact and love.

Feel our heart beat. Kiss. Hug. Talk. Be. Love.

It's a miracle.

Beauty in action.

Magic in front of your eyes...


So I said, "Why would I make that mistake?"



Why would I... Why why why....


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I'm on my way to my job now. I see, I feel the beings around me on this magical train. Like it was my first time.

I feel, just by getting closer to job, the presence of my beloved co-workers.

And I know, when my job is over and it's soon time to meet my love, that I will feel her presence more and more as the clock is going around and around.

It's a poetry to make into itself.

Beauty to create.

But I know, when I will be there, with her...

Everything will erase... Even us two.

And only Love will remain. Only love.

I can feel her now, as I'm thinking about her. I can feel her love.

It's everywhere. It's ever-present.


This love.

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What beauty.

The beauty that will follow today.

The beauty it will become in this poetry.

My mind cannot help thinking about it all....

All the beauty that follows this day.

All the love...




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Today was a wonderful day.

My job.

My co-workers.

The happiness and love I feelt when seeing them.

The feeling of seeing my girlfriend.

Being with her.

Just being with her...


In love and darkness.

In good and bad...

In up and down.

I'm with her. Always. For eternity.

Now I'm on the train, going home.

Thinking, imagining, what to do?

The choices are infinite...



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I ask myself, what is a miracle?

I look around. I look at myself.

I see the design of my body to it's very detail.

The magnitude of my mind.

The flawlessness of my personality and ego.

I look at a butterfly, a flower...

I look at other beings.

How I and them were so perfectly designed, precision engineered in our mothers womb.

And here we are now.

The individuation. Making us two. Making us unique.

So we could interact. Love. Feel each other. Be aware and conscious of each other.

I take myself to the old days when I was thrown into the supernatural spiritual realm...

All that which I experienced. Impossible. Illogical.

Yet it all happened.

Meeting God.

Having my head spinned around.

Seeing energy everywhere and in everything.

All this...

I say is a miracle.

This. This very precious moment.



All of it, everything, leaving nothing.


It's a miracle.

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The materialist atheist argues with the religious. It goes on to infinity.

All I hear is loud sound hurting my ears. I see nothing there... I am blind.

For I see only one thing.

Divinity. Divinity everywhere, in everything.

I have gone full circle. My life is a full circle.

From darkness to light. From light to love. From human to literally spirit, then back to human.

All of it has left a mark on me. But here I am still.

Through all the suffering, happiness, good, bad... Here I still am.

And the atheist and religious still debate...

So they miss the

Creation. The miracle of life. The miracle that they are.

So I say, all this sound is hurting my ears. I say, I see nothing... I'm blind.

All I want is to watch a sunrise... Take in all of it.

Here I am.





All is good.

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The miracle of love.

The saviour of souls.

Invisible. Yet, fully visible, penetrating through everything.

Untouched. Yet, all living wants to touch it.

The Materialist say, "It's a chemical process."

The religious say, "God created it."

But I am blind to all that. No, love makes me blind. Makes me whole. Makes me into me.

This uncreated no-thing, moving in all things. This mystery.

For eternity it has been. For eternity.



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I remember my reckless days...

Hookers, drugs, stimulus.

A bad boy, in darkness and suffering. In despair.

Now I look at my life... What an adventure. From down to up.

Simply full circle, that's my life.

From darkness to light. From hate to love. From human to spirit and back to human.

It's my history, making me the unique me that I am.

I remember, my ex-girlfriend. Reckless, a bad girl.

Sex, stimulus, drugs. That's all we knew. Sometimes I want to go back there.

She said to me once in a dream, "You want to come back? You know where to find me."

But no, my soul doesn't want to go back there.

I have my true love now.

My soul wants to stay here. With her.



With her.


Now and for eternity.


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They say love is simply a human emotion.

But I see love annihilating everything, leaving only it.

They say God doesn't exist.

But in my heart and soul, I see only God.

I see others look down on each other, judging each other.

But when I look at myself, I see only perfection. Only divinity. So I wonder, why all this? And I realize, if only they could see in them what I see.

They breathe, they move, they communicate, they feel, they love.

And all I can see, is God. The very Source and Creator of all.

I thought I didnt exist. I tried to deny parts of myself.

Only to look again and realize. I exist. Fully exist. And the whole couldn't be without the parts.

I thought I was God. Only to become conscious and connected to the Godhead itself, the very Being and Godhood of God. And I realized...

I am second.


I am second.


I am someone.

I am human. With a body, with a mind, with emotions and feelings, with breath.


I am me.

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I don't like the idea of sleeping today. I would rather create poetry all night, using my magnificent mind.

Listen to music all night while dreaming up some poetry. From scratch, from nothing. And poof, here it is presented to you.

The flawless work of the mind. The miracle of being human is immense.

Yes, I don't like the idea of sleeping. I would rather stay up all night. Watch the moon fall down, watch the sunrise come up.

Think about my beloved. My love. All night.

Contemplate, become directly conscious and aware of my very existence. And realize... God.

All night.

Yes, I don't like the idea of sleeping.


I want to stay awake all night.


Creating, imagining.


All night.


This night.



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Death, I don't see it. I don't think about it. I don't feel it.

Death will take care of me. It will do it's thing. It will take care of it.

I don't know what will happen. I just know it will be beyond imagination.

The excitment of the unknown has always been inherent in me. Thus, I would rather wait for It. Yes, I would rather wait for it.

The clock is going around and around.

Death is coming closer and closer.

And I shall know, a dream is what I lived and knew. A dream. Only a dream.

But in a dream, it's worth it to....

Create magic.


Magic. It's easy in a dream.


It's easy. You are already doing it.


You are already doing it...


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Praise be to God, the Creator of the moon and sun. Look how they circle around each other with such precision.

Praise be to God, the Designer and Engineer of all beings in the womb. Look at how your body is formed, step by step.

Praise be to God, the giver of life and  spirit. Then He breathed His Love into you. So you could love. So you could exist at all.

Praise be to God, the Creator of you and I. Look how He makes it possible for me and you to love and interact.

Watching a sunrise togheter, eating togheter, having sex togheter...

Talk, feel, love.

All this. All this.

Look and look yet again!

Look and look yet again!

Look until you are blind.



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They say, "You are unreal."

I feel my heart beat, my breath breathe. I see not unreal.

They say, "Others don't exist."

I look in my beloved eyes and there she IS. Fully aware and conscious of her. I see another.

They say, "All this is an illusion."

I look at a sunrise. Feel it, take it all in. I see not illusion.

The Buddhist denies God's existence.

I look, I see. Everywhere I look. I see, I'm fully aware and conscious of God's existence.

In the material, in the metaphysical, in the epistemological, in the ontoligical, in the spiritual, in love - I see, I'm fully aware and conscious of God's existence.

I'm conscious.

I'm aware.

God exists.

And nothing can take that away from me. I say nothing. And thus, I testify...


There is no God but God!

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No God but God.

The Almighty, the most High, the Supreme.

The Creator of the heavens and earths.

So I could fly in them, move in them.

The Creator of individation. So I could meet another and love, talk, kiss, hug.

The Creator of the spiritual.

So I could experience all of it. Realize the infinite dimensions of reality that He has created.

The Creator of I.

So I could be and exist. God's spirit and love has directly been breathed into me. So I could be, exist and love.

So I could love another, so I could touch their body. Feel the sensations, the feelings, the emotions.

So I could use my mind. Create, create from scratch. Imagine, imagine to infinity.

God, there is no God but Him.

God, there is no God but You.


There is no God but God.

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 And if the human existence wasn't enough of a miracle.

I take myself back to the old days. The glorious supernatural spiritual realm. The things which I experienced. Impossible. Illogical. Yet it all happened. Having my head spinned around. Seeing energy everywhere and in everything. How I became the energy itself. How I could take in energy from everything. How I could give out energy to everything.

The birds, oh the birds. How they would communicate directly with me. The sun and moon. How they would mysticaly communicate with me. The earth, how I could experience it moving around in this glorious universe. 

The out of body experiences. How my soul and spirit disconnected and left my body. How I could, as the soul made out of pure light, look at my body, myself asleep. While I, awareness, was fully awake. Just looking at my body sleep. 

The Astral projection. I remember, dreaming extremely vividly. I saw this baby cat. Just looking at it. Then her mother came and she went with her, leaving with them pure love which penetrated my very soul. 

When I meet God Himself. How He came to me with all His Might and Godhood. So Supreme, I couldn’t look. So Supreme, I had to have my face turned away. How He breated His Divine Love into me. And how I just cried instantly, how I cried instantly... 

And much much more... 

And I say, if the human existence wasn't enough of a miracle.

The materialist, atheist scientific minded paradigm... Annihilated. Burned away from me by the Divine light of reality. 

Magic...  Beauty...  Extraordinary....    

And I say, if the human existence wasn't enough of a miracle.

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God, in me He is actual nothing. Seen He is not, nor can man touch Him.

Without name, without form. Beyond all. Above all. Greater than all.

But here He is. In my very soul and heart. In my very consciousness and awareness. I'm fully conscious and aware of His existence.

Like an echo, like a pure recognition. Before knowledge, before everything. And after everything. There He is.



Just God.

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