
Dealing with Demonic Forces

1 post in this topic

Hey guys, I just had a very wacky and intense experience and I wanted to ask if anyone has some insights or experiences regarding to it. 

It began last night when I did some breathwork followed by 40m of meditation. Once I went to bed afterwards I awoke a half hour later due to stomach pain. This left me in this weird half asleep / half awake state for the following hours. When I finally fell into deep sleep, I began dreaming. 

It was a future setting where Aliens had invaded Earth. It looked like a computer game and I was going along with it - kinda enjoying the dream. Then I was at their base in space. There was a narrator saying "Don't shoot their ship" but I still did. Then they began shooting back. The "screen" went dark. I then asked "Why am I not afraid?". Then the voice said "Because you are already captured". 

At that point I had enough. I can pretty much stop dreams at will (most times), so I woke myself up and forced my eyes open... then it got wacky.

The dream/nightmare voice did not want to go. So the familiar voice (the narrator of my life) said "GO". Then the other one started screaming in a super high pitch (I was awake at that point!). Then for a couple seconds the familiar voice fought the other one. I lost the sense of my body and felt like I was spinning. Finally the demonic force left. It felt like my ego voice had forced it out. 

Has anyone experienced something similar or knows what this is/was? I've had my fair share of Paranormal stuff happening, especially whilst dreaming. And whilst it's interesting I could definitely do without lol. 

Also this is kinda an analogy to Awakening I think. What happens when the familiar voice leaves? 

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