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Questions and Clarifications

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This is mostly directed at the staff here. I'm relatively new and have been testing the waters so far. I quite like the general atmosphere on this forum and it seems moderation is done with a light touch, which appeals to me. I've read through the guidelines, but there are still some points that are not so clear, so I'd appreciate if the mods/admins could clarify a few things. 

- Is asking for and/or offering healing allowed?

- How about if someone were to request or offer such some sort of energy work, such as Shaktipat, is that allowed?

- If someone were to channel either on their own or on request, what is the staff policy on that?

- Let us say I start a personal journal and after a considerable amount of time I decide I'd quite like to self-publish that as en e-book, say on amazon. Would I own the intellectual property for what I post here, or does own everything? 

I am asking these questions for a good reason as I've run into trouble on other forums with some of the above and I want to be clear about the rules here. I would also like to suss out whether my association with higher beings would be an issue. I have again, ran into trouble before, because the beings I work with are somewhat controversial in the alternative community and amongst those, that are conspiracy-minded. Basically, I want to avoid another witch-hunt. That's it for now, I really appreciate your replies and I'll follow up tomorrow as it's getting late here.

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