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Language, Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions

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13 hours ago, SpiritualAwakening said:

So are you saying people who are born deaf cannot think? 

Not necessarily. I’m saying they can’t think like a non deaf person can...

For one, deaf people can still learn language. They just don’t attach the language to noise as is non deaf people do.

However, let’s consider a deaf person that hasn’t been indoctrinated by a culture to learn a particular language such as English. Like the cliche example of a young boy who’s raised by a pack of wolves... and make him deaf.

 I’m sure he CAN think. But the level of thinking that his thought process occurs on is likely unfathomable to us. He can’t think is the same “voice in our head” way that you and I think. 

Now how one in that situation would think? I have no idea. It sure is interesting to think about though. Perhaps on an entirely image drive basis? I would assume said deaf wolf boy would develop his own intrinsic language system based off of the perceptions that he does have like sight, feeling, taste and smell. But this is all speculation.

Truth be told I have no fucking clue wether a deaf person can think or not because I’m not deaf. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Careful... this is incorrect.

Thoughts are distinct from feelings. You can have a thought without a feeling and a feeling without a thought.

Thought is also possible without language. Thought can be in the form of images.

You are on the right track, but this stuff is more nuanced than you think.

Of course language is used to divide up reality into categories, all categories are dualities, and then those categories are reified or made "objective" through the creation of these categories, and then language is used to construct meaning. And all of this is ultimately imaginary.

Thanks for the feedback Leo. I now realize that my assertion was based upon belief rather than unbiased inquiry.

In my discomfort with “not-knowing” what language, thought and feelings are, I prematurely grasped to “knowing” via the creation of a new belief... which is as you said, incorrect. 

I notice this pattern often. Of being on a journey to somewhere and stopping prematurely by convincing myself that I made it.

I realize more and more on a daily basis how arrogant I am. How full of bullshit groundless beliefs I am. 

There’s more work to do.
Trek on. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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12 minutes ago, modmyth said:

Yes, it can.

I'm... trying to think of how to explain this. Thought, or the structure of a thought itself, can have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of imaging, visual, language related, or any kind of symbolic system as we understand. Which is to say that something can exist as a pure idea, in a sense, completely intact and whole, and completely conceptualizable (like received in a form of instant understanding without being processed by the human mind), also without being anything like concept as it is commonly.

It's just that generally speaking, we're all too slow to catch what happens between an idea/ concept coming from "nothing" or voidspace to symbolic systems/ "images"/ languages. We catch it in the so called "lower forms". 

When you work with a more direct concept, outside of visualization, things become possible that would be completely impossible otherwise. Things speed up when you know where these things are relative to other things, in a more direct way, and you don't have to waste time with details.

I believe this is part of the next step for us all, collectively, as a sort of mental evolution. It is probably the only way that we will keep up with the exponential amount of information that we keep producing, which no one can fucking keep track of. 

Theoretically speaking, In general, our systems of thought, and language, may need a complete overhaul.


I like that. I think in a sense we are already doing that but not everyone. Also another way to increase the overall knowledge is to specialize and use the collective brain power and we're already doing that too. Also let's not forget technology that stores the information too so we can unload a little bit. So it would be great to make it much more efficient and PEACEFUL (egos kill knowledge).

I have an opinion on everything :D

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The internet and social media are still in it's development stage. It put together cultures that used to live their separate lives. I was on Facebook from the very beginning and different cultures hated each other. It was very interesting to watch how it improved considerably within few years, we tolerate each other's differences more and more.

I believe that at this moment our problem is the language. There's too many different translations of the same words, this will self adjust in couple of years. Good communication is very important.

And yes, it will all settle somewhere in the "middle ".

I have an opinion on everything :D

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