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oMarcos WRITES his mind

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Our beliefs affect our vibrations, and our vibrations determine what we will manifest

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Intuition is Will, acceptance is growth

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beg for nothing, never beg


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Tonight I dreamed of a UFO pretty much similar to the one on the top of this image, (just ignore the alien on the left side which is unrelatable with my dream), I was outside of my house yard, and suddenly I see a moving oval black shadow moving pretty fast and I recognized it as a UFO immediately, and then it exposed itself in his purest oval form with a very strong white light on the middle, and a dark blue disc surrounding, kinda like saturn, but in a plate, and it was kinda dancing and showing off all of his beauty to me. And then I remember that I was somehow mesmerized in beauty and shock, and got inside of my house and close the door, when then I feel something in my mouth, like an insect buzzing, I spit it, It's the UFO again in my mouth! It resized to the point of being capable of going inside me, then I shut the door again, and I never saw it anymore after that.

When I remember the dream now, I feel a very positive energy regarding this encounter, makes me feel calm when I remember it and then looking at this image, It's like falling in love for something totally new.

It's not the first time I dream about Ufo's on my yard, once I dreamed of a Triangular shaped Ufo, other time it was a very weird one that look liked a Dorito's potato and really small, or sometimes is just a very weird object that just fly's around, and always makes me feel like an Outsider.

And all those times, I am trying to reach my phone or something else to show, but then I get immersed in the experience and none of that social exposure really matters. Makes me kinda tolerant to those who claim to see Ufos but lack the proofs... 

Nonetheless, I don't even make any assembleses with aliens and spacecrafts, the spacecraft is the Alien by it's own right, the machine is the living being, it's not like even questionable "who's driving", but rather, "This machine is alive".

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most of the content I post on this thread is the stuff most people would mostly not cling to, and I wouldn't even be comfortable to share, such things as: me and chewbacca. I'm really glad that such forum and subtopic exists, and feeling free to share witchy content.









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The soil microbe mycobacterium vaccae has been found to mirror the effect on neurons in the brain that drugs like Prozac can provide, but without side effects.


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Learning about Entropy

"Be careful to keep your number of accesible microstates low, avoid thermal equilibrium, and keep being that brilliant macro state that is you."


"A measure of Disorder, a measure of how many ways you can reorganize a given system."


"It takes a lot of energy to lower the entropy of a system."


But also, Disorder can be misunderstood because: "Every possible combination of positions for the disorder of a given Object is equally special", Therefore there is not a single difference between a Broken Mirror and a Full Mirror.


"For each possible Marco State, there are many different possible Micro States."


"If the number of possible Micro States is larger, then we say that this particular macro state has a higher entropy, and vice-versa."


"The concept of Entropy only applies to macro-states (Ego-death and Marrige of the Symbolic Sigil), not to micro states (Ego limitations)."  Micro states are always limited, macro states are not. Macro states change (energy manipulation), micro states also changes (ego condensed to a particular manifestation).


in other words, Pure potential



Calculate the entropy
Running out of energy
A lack of love or empathy
Leave me lonely


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DOPAMINE DETOX - 10 Day Challenge

               FROM 22 UNTIL 1 JULY

1 Hour Maximum on Computer, and I am only allowed to check:

Facebook Messenger, Gmail, Outlook mail and Instagram Direct

(few other healthy websites like Goodreads, or is ok)

Not allowed to: check news, youtube, twitter political stuff, PUB G



Replacing most common addictions and fill free time with:

- Outdoor walks, Book reading, Drawing, Pharmacy Study, Riding bicycle,

Meditation and Yoga, Smelling flowers, write Cook receipts on notebook.

and other activities that WILL NOT INCLUDE any screen device.


- My main goal is to change the patterns of my behaviour, to restablish a new more productive routine based more on action and practical activities rather than intelectual level, and not getting too stuck on my head. To make this changes I need to fight a lot of inertia. A lot of resistance will come.

- Another important goal is to change my current sleep routine, and to fall asleep at least at 1am. 

 I'll add more goals in the future because I'm not sure what will come next to this.

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O intelecto é a ressaca do Darma.

Repeat 100x times

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✰ Hoe Enlightenment ✰ Everyone is a Hoe ✰ Pleasure comes from everyone ✰ Ecstasy belongs to every Hoe ✰

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I am Home Recording my mistakes. The first mistake starts with a P, the second mistake starts with a O.

If it feels bad just don't do it, is that simple, really.

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Some lust requires a lot of disorder, sometimes is better to be empty handed but with a clear mind.

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The more a mind is clear, the more chaotic it gets. Manipulation is only possible if we can manage chaos with a quiet mind. Condensed chaos.


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A cluttered mind will get absorbed and overwhelmed easily with so many possibilites.

Pure potential needs to be in perfect balance with Ego-Mind. It's a give and take thing.

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You always want to be forgiven
The devil does what you ask of him
On your knees
You cannot
You are not for free


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Procrastination is my first and last biggest flaw. I pay the price.

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