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Questions that came up from Leos video "How To Discover What's True - A Deep Inquiry"

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So this video i think is one of his best. However a few things that came up for me in this video that i would like help in solving.

1) It made me realise that i have been following Leo quite blindly by doing meditation, Kriya Yoga and magic mushrooms in search for the truth. I havent given each avenue equal opportunity in my search for the truth like religion, science, etc. I feel this is because of how in previous actualized videos the emphasis has been more on the practices which will help you find truth and giving snipets of truth rather than devising and epistemological process of finding truth. It would have been nice to see this video 3 years ago at the start of my journey. So do i continue doing these practices or start looking for the space unicorn? (i think that was the term used).


2) Isn't it wise to go down avenues that others have seemed to have success with even if you can't take them on as a dogma until realised. Leo talked about having equal open mindedness and skepticism for witchcraft as for any other method for finding truth like 5meo dmt. But if by reading trip reports and gathering evidence it seems 5meo is a more effective way of accessing truth wouldnt it be wiser to not treat these equally and go for these rather than looking for space unicorns or doing witchcraft? I understand what is being pointed to, to basically be open minded to all things but i could waste 50 years doing voodoo and witchcraft. I know you are going to say how do you know? But i would counter this with empirical evidence to which you will say that is heresay. But I think it seems wiser to go with things that seem more likely to save time and not get lost.


3) If all you can have is direct experience of something that doesn't mean to say science is wrong just that you haven't got direct experience of it. You wouldn't be able to do all the science in your lifetime to discover the "truths" that have been found. So maybe there is a biased towards direct experience being the truth because thats all you have to play with. Most people dont have access to massive telescopes able to see milky ways or microscopes to see the molecular level of existence.



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You can gather evidence from other people, but ultimately you have no idea if it will pan out until you try it for yourself.

You don't need to spend 50 years doing witchcraft. It would be wise to read a few books about it just so you understand what witchcraft is. You don't even know what the practice of witchcraft entails. You are rejecting something you haven't even researched for 5 hours.

If you were serious about understanding reality you would be curious: "Why do people practice witchcraft? What does it get them?" This line of inquiry would yield some good fruit. But you haven't done it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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