
Meditation Having Negative Results?

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So I have been meditating every day for about two months now and I sometimes feel like I meditation is having negative effects in my life.  

I feel like I am more antisocial and I worry more about what people will think about me. 

I react more aggressively towards others and I feel sad more than I used to.

Is this normal?  When will I get to see progress?


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Do you worry more about what people think of you because you partake in the act of meditation? 

Do you feel antisocial because you partake in being "anti" "social" a few hours per day? 

If these are true you simply have some false beliefs to study and dissolve and try to contemplate why you're so worried about others opinions. Look for the truth. 

Feeling sad, you might only be more aware of this feeling which you've ignored or rejected for so long. Sadness isn't "bad"

Edited by Corte
'Negative effects' may be perceived by the ego as such. Meditation is indeed extremely negative from the ego's vantage point :)

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Some old suppressed emotions are likely surfacing so u can integrate them.

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1 hour ago, rrodriguez11 said:

Is this normal?  

Yes, this happens all the time. This work is called awakening for a reason. You are starting to see who is living in a dream and who is for real. That includes you most of all.  Have compassion for yourself and that will naturally spill over to others too. What is changing is the way you see things. The external world has not changed at all so you can't get angry at it. Realign your awakening awareness with it. Some old ways will fall away to make way for the new.  Growth is always the hardest thing for the self when we have to admit that what we were portraying before may have not existed in an awakened state.

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Hi there...

This is desierable. Next month you will be posting on how wonderful life is.  Then in maybe 3 months time you will feel like strangling every single person who dares enter into your proximity. 

The question is, which is the real you?

Being able to tolerate the ups and downs of mediative life is much like an initiation period for the real work your about to embark on.  

It warms my heart to see that more and more of us are waking up from the illusion that meditation is some kind of relaxation method for the body and mind - it really isn't!


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