
Help With Meditation And Sexual Thoughts

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I have been practicing mindful meditation for about a 2 months now, roughly one month ago I started practicing the do-nothing mediation technique by Shinzen Young. the objective. As i understood was to let any though come and go without tampering with the thoughts or emotions. now since the age of about 13 or 14 (can't quite remember) I was watching porn. I started off with soft then went to hardcore.

I stopped watching since the age of 17 due to reading up on the nofap website about all the benefits that come with stopping porn. I was an addict. It started affecting my life as i became more emotionally unstable, i am now 18 and a half years old. My problem is the reoccurring wet dreams that I keep getting. I have read up on some sites that it is normal to get wet dreams whilst others say that it isn't normal. Every time i have a wet dream it drowns me and makes me feel like shit. I tried affirmation such as I am positive but they seem to have little to no effect as they occur at random nights, so i can't judge whether i'm getting results or not. I am trying to remove wet dreams from my life.

When i first read about the benefits of do-nothing meditation i was excited as I understood that you clean your mind from all the things in the subconscious such as porn which caught my interest as wet dreams would stop all together if i eliminated the sexual thoughts and beliefs that were stored deep in my subconscious from all the years of watching porn. My first practice session with the mindfulness meditation technique shocked me. The first thought that came up into my mind was about sexual fantasies such as foot worship and other domination type porn which is what i used to watch when i was younger. I kept with the thoughts until it got really intense, i had a huge erection and though I would ejaculate. I was also scared that that would lead me to start watching porn again which is why i freaked out as the thoughts didn't change to anything else than sex. I manually changed my thoughts and kept them away from sexual thoughts which is not what the do-nothing meditation technique was about. The sexual thoughts became so intense at moments that I though i had lost control over thinking about something else which scared me a lot

The second session was the same as only sexual thoughts and fantasies kept coming up. I recently changed to the mindfulness meditation technique as i though the sexual thoughts would cause me to go back to porn which is not something i could allow at any cost as i would feel miserable.

Any help on this matter would be really appreciated as I don't know what to do. I keep having wet dreams up to this day and feel miserable every time it happens. I want it to stop and think the root of this problem lies in my subconscious.Sorry if i violated any rules with the pornographic words and descriptions used. Again any help on this matter would be highly appreciated. I posted this under meditation as that is what i though this would be most relevant to.

I felt reluctant to post this as I do not like talking about my problems, especially sexual ones but felt safer talking about it online so here it is.

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This is a very sensitive post and I thank you for having the balls to write it down :)

In fact, you are experiencing a clearing out which scared you. That is all. What were you expecting to be coming out in meditation? Unicorns? Angels? 

Keep at it. Let them thoughts come and go. 

Look into channeling sexual energy into healing or artistic endeavors aside your meditation practice. 

When fear appears, ask yourself - WHO?WHAT is that which experiences this fear? Is it you? Who is that YOU? Keep asking. 

Leo's videos about enlightenment are quite appropriate to watch for you to understand a bit of whom you are not! 




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The goal for you is to be completly aware of your 'wet dreams' when you meditate and not to dwell into these dreams, but just 'note' them. Be aware of the fact that they are present in your mind. Don't TRY to ignore them. If you TRY to ignore them, that is to control the thoughts, then it will only get worse! If I say to you: "Do not think of a pink elephant!" What do you do? You think of a pink elephant. In the same way, if you say to your self "I must not think about these things", then you will naturally think about them.

Meditation is about maximum awareness. Be completetly aware that these thoughts are arising in your mind, but don't do anything about it. Just let them be there. If you just let them be there, then they will naturally vanish after some time. They only stay in your mind if you try to do anything about them. 
I hope this helps. You must realize that you truly are not in control of your thoughts. They happen randomly (to some extent based on previous events in your life of course). If you try to control your thoughts, then it'll only get worse.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Don't give in to those silly desires. Sexual Energy is the primary force energy, that's WHY you get superpowers. Use Qi Gong Meditation  

- I personally become fearless from NoFap, Read Think and Grow Rich, and ascend to the highest levels of spirituality. Use this energy, don't throw it down the drain jerking off. Get back on NoFap and don't you ever give up from that shit, these are your demons, KILL THEM , KILL THEM ALL

Edited by JevinR

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