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What do you think about political ponerology - the science about evil

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In all of the videos about politics and now about corruption, @Leo Gura never talks about political ponerology. 

Quote from wikipedia: "Political ponerology is an interdisciplinary study of social issues primarily associated with Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Łobaczewski. As a discipline, it makes use of data from psychology, sociology, philosophy, and history to account for such phenomena as aggressive war, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and despotism." (more infos

Lobaczewskis conclusion was, that the root of all evil is poorly described in all religions and all politics. After he studied a lot of different areas in science, he found out, that criminals have in common that they have a personality disorder. If a human acts in an evil way it is most certainly because he has an antisocial personality disorder (aka psychopathy) or narcissistic personality disorder. 

Leo, your philosophical thoughts about conscious politics are good, but I think it would be wise to implement this concept and study those two personality disorders in more detail to have an understanding why those personality types are able to cause such big harm throughout the history of mankind and have no moral compass and empathy whatsoever. 

To even have the foundation for conscious politics, Lobaczeski recommends screening methods and to improve the knowledge about this topic. People are then more likely to spot someone with such a personality disorder and being able to act more carefully in their everyday live and even more important: don't elect people with such a personality structure. 

The book from Lobaczewski is on youtube:


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