
Finished life purpose course and issues

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I have finished my life purpose course half a year back but couldnt move it further cause of various resistence. My impact statement was Entertain people and make them better.

Top 3 values where

Self actualization, Art, Conciousness


Kindness and generosity, Humor and playfulness, capacity to love and be loved

High Conciousness virtue i want to build my career arround is


I loved writing and acting, directing while growing up,( but also had fear then will i be sucessfull or not and it stopped me from going creative route) but for past 1year after lot of meditation and especially after 4 psychedelic trip, i really dont give much time for it or i dont feel like writing anymore. I was a movie addict also but havent watched a film in last 9months. When i made impact statement i had in mind of a movie director/script writer who makes movies and after some good fan following i will quit movies and concentrate on doing Self actualization videos like leo do on Yt. Thereby bringing more people into self actualization/spirituality. That was my initial plan but i lost interest in movie making halfway and put the full plan to rest. 

(I am restarting my life purpose course and is now in value assesment)

My career was also not that good as i was not having job much of time and wasted 5 years without doing anything

I found out today after quitting my sales officer job i had a belief like I cant have a  sucessful life with this job/I cant live my dream life with this job. it happens to me always whenever i am at a job, i see myself to future having not much money(coz salary is low). 

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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