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Mason Riggle

'enlightenment' experience while talking to a stranger

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I want to share here a strange experience I had yesterday. I'm not really sure it qualifies as a true 'enlightenment' experience, or perhaps just some epiphany, but it was exhilarating regardless. 

I have been a seeker of truth as long as I remember. I was raised without religion. My 'self-actualization' or 'awakening' journey really only began in earnest relatively recently (the last several weeks/months) but it was triggered about 10 years ago by a divorce and depression, which kind of forced me to come to terms with a ton of denial.  

Anyhow, yesterday I had to meet with a guy to disconnect the internet at a business I operate.  He seemed charismatic, but not overly self conscious or intelligent.  He was almost sloppy in his appearance, work boots, long hair under a hat.  I was very busy, but after finishing the job he came to do, he struck up a conversation with me about our phones and technology, and I commented about how crazy things might be in 10 or even just 5 years.. and how crazy things are now compared to only 5 or 10 years ago.. at first he seemed eager to bring up topics typically surrounded by conspiracy theory, Google building Quantum computers to access alternate realities, Giants, other beings breeding with humans.. and normally I would dismiss this type of person and discussion and go about my day, but for some reason I decided to engage with him, and listen to what he had to say, from the perspective that he was also me, who is actually God. 

After listening for a while, I began to really hear what he was trying to say, knowing his words could never say it.  It started to become sort of effortless to see where he was falling into duality traps, some of which I attempted to point out, but I had this overwhelming sensation of the futility of telling him, who was really me, where my 'thinking' was limited... 

The conversation got deeper, into the nature of God and reality, and I could tell he was struggling to grasp some of the non dualistic notions I was presenting, but then at one point, this energy or something kind of entered me, and I couldn't help but smile bigger and bigger as all the pieces of the puzzle kind of came together and I fully realized that I am God, and of course everything is occurring for me to experience myself, and I was showing this to myself through him, who was also me.  In the height (peak) of this experience which lasted about 3 to 5 minutes.. I saw all of reality as my dream, which was like a painting, and I had the brush, and if only I could let go of my own neurotic questioning about how to paint, I could paint whatever infinite dream I wish.. and then we were back.  and I still understood that this 'stranger', who I had talked to for only about an hour, had shown me something through myself, which I was also showing him, and he thanked me so much for the conversation and seemed truly inspired to go paint his own dream.. 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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