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Should we moralise? What would you say to Trump if you met him?

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Sorry for the clickbait title. So what would I say to Trump if I met him? It would be very hard not to moralise telling him what he's doing wrong and what he should do. However it seems clear people have to figure things out themselves. I don’t think telling people like Trump what they should do would help. They are so stuck in their paradigms, I would give them my perspective, let them think about it. If I tell him his pitfalls and force the change on to him this will most likely have the reverse effect, making him more defensive, and more stuck to their way of thinking. I think ppl have to figure things out themselves through trial and error and the problem when they have constant errors and no change then what do we do? They need outside help. 

After watching Leo’s “A rant against Morality” video and then his conscious politics video it seems to me there is a slight contradiction. Moralizing has an aire of superiority (i'm right and you're wrong). Morality is a human invention, we are making up the rules as we go along, what is right and wrong, its do as you like in the animal kingdom, whats right now might be completely wrong in 100 years. However even though it is a human invention it’s a necessary one. 


Animals don't have the power to destroy the whole planet, they don't have the degree of variety in their behaviour that we have. In Leo’s politics video he talks about freedom and true freedom being rules - if you want freedom like the animal kingdom then it wouldn’t be free (well it would but not in the way you would like it to be). So I therefore feel a sense of what is right and wrong is necessary in order to create a system that can be governed and have an equal chance for all. To do this societies and govenments must then surely  moralise as to what is and isn’t right? 

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This is why we create a distinction in absolute and relative matters. 

By piercing through the veil of the relative and see where its origins are, the absolute, you can then jump back to the relative perspective with much more insight. Get to know the box entirely before you begin working with the box.

Good/bad right/wrong are of course all relative, but conscious politics is exactly that, politics to promote a more conscious society. So of course such words will be adapted to such a goal.

Moralization is more of a map of direction. Those who truly understand the morals though are not bound by them. They become more of just rules to those who don't understand why they are said though.

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