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How do you guys balance LP with other obligations?

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I noticed that the more narrow my focus is the better I am performing and the more enjoyment I get from my work. 

For exemple I can work on a song 8h a day no problem when I only have that project going on at a certain time but as soon as I have another thing in mind like school work I find myself trying to do both and I am stressed out while the results drop significantly. 

I guess I could use other people's experience to oriente myself

I thought about not doing much LP work during my semesters but it seems like a very unwise move. My intuition tells me that school is not necessarily the most important thing for me right now


Sailing on the ceiling 


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what I do is to use a productivity system to help me balance out the time. The one i use is called weekly daily goals by scott young. I also recommend looking up fixed schedule productivity by cal newport. 

Some things that can be good to do if possible:

1 Protect your time,

2 Say no to things you don't want to do.


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