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Evolutionary Nonduality

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In my model the mind is not just some electrochemical processes in the brain. The mind in my model is all that is experienced in one's personal consciousness. So even with my definition of consciousness as only an on/off state, how much is experienced in consciousness can be expanded.

This can be tested practically within oneself. It should be possible to expand what consciousness is aware of from just being inside the head into the whole body, and even beyond that. One nonduality teacher, Roger Castillo, said that the experience of one's consciousness can move from the head into the heart. And if he is correct, that's then according to my model only one step of expansion and that even further expansion of the mind is possible.

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One prediction my model makes that might seem outrageous is that all space aliens look like humans, even in other universes. This is so because the intelligence in the infinite string of information is systemic, meaning existing in the entire string, and not something that gradually evolves throughout the string. And evolution progresses in stages of holons, from subatomic particles to atoms to molecules to prokaryotic cells to eukaryotic cells to biofilms to simple multicellular organisms to humans to planetary organisms to galactic organisms and so on.

Even if an advanced ET can shapeshift his or her physical body, the original form is human. This is so in order to make civilizations socially compatible with each other, including romance, food and sex and stuff. It's a fractal thing.

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@Anderz Sorry to rain on your parade but you are engaging in fantasy here.

Why not do some meditative practices and investigate actuality?

Idle theorizing is not what this work is about and you will never reach Truth that way.

You must discipline the mind to stop speculating about things you don't have direct experience of.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I hear you. Yes, these ideas I have posted are intellectual concepts. Great fun! But yeah, I need to have some actual practical confirmations.

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Now I have something that's not just my own speculation. The Omega Point theory by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is a similar idea it seems:

"The Omega Point is a spiritual belief and a scientific speculation that everything in the universe is fated to spiral towards a final point of divine unification.[1] The term was coined by the French Jesuit Catholic priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955).[2] Teilhard argued that the Omega Point resembles the Christian Logos, namely Christ, who draws all things into himself, who in the words of the Nicene Creed, is "God from God", "Light from Light", "True God from true God", and "through him all things were made"." -

The Omega Point also produces evolution:

"Evolution does not end with mankind: Earth's biosphere evolved before humans existed. Teilhard describes evolution as earth's "hominization" in which one-cell organisms develop into metazoans, or animals, but some of the members of this classification develop organisms with complex nervous systems. This group has the capability to acquire intelligence. When Homo sapiens inhabited Earth through evolution, a noosphere, the cognitive layer of existence, was created. As evolution continues, the noosphere gains coherence. Teilhard refers to this process as "planetization"." -

The collapse of the multiversal wavefunction can be simplified to simply choosing a point (the Omega Point) among all possible points.


But if you already know, how can I make a choice?

The Oracle:

Because you didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand *why* you made it. I thought you'd have figured that out by now.

The choice of the Omega Point can be modeled as information. And with each point represented by a string of information, the Omega Point is one out of all possible information strings.

Notice that the Omega Point is timeless, so the "choice" is something that just is. And we will never reach the end of the Omega Point since it's infinite, And the simplest information representation of the Omega Point is as an infinite binary string. This explains why time moves forward instead of backwards because the string has a start but not an end, and it is this never ending expansion of information that we experience as time.

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