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Alex bAlex

Will marketing lead us to self-annihilation?

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Just watching some material about different diets and I see how everyone who come up with a revolutionary diet, lunches an YouTube channel, write a book, put together a course/seminar, and all the package, in the chase for a buck and free of worry about money life. 

And as you can see people are willing to follow. This method is applied not only to diets but also to Pick Up, self-help, how-to, etc. 

In consequence we are bombarded with all this vast information and most of the times we're not taking time to verify it due to lack of time or just complacency and  follow whatever happens to trigger us. 

What's your view on this subject? Do you think that marketing leads to self-destruction? 

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I wouldn't say that it will lead to self-destruction but it can lead to confusion or just being misled in general. It's important to cross reference conflicting information. There are also tell-tale signs of inauthenticity. The way the material is marketed, how quickly the ad promises results, etc. Ultimately it is up to you to verify what is taught because direct experience is what matters most.

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On 11/05/2019 at 9:00 PM, ivory said:

but it can lead to confusion or just being misled in general

This video dovetail with what I want to express. 

We get confused with a lot of contradiction and we die because, as a donkey, we do not know what to do first: eat hay or drink water ?


Edited by Alex bAlex

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