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Embodying a new version of me

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Look, I know what things I need to be doing on a daily basis.  I watch myself distract myself instead, not do those things, make excuses, come up with stories basically to avoid the hard work and emotional labor.

Ive hit my head on the wall so many times for several years now in the simple pursuit of just getting on a daily routine and keeping my busy monkey mind in check.  I know it’s mostly inner game, my willpower has a limit.

ill find my mind going off of on stupid tangents constantly about stupid things that don’t matter and are not aligned with my desires.  I’m at least starting to really see this play out.

I’ll hit it hard and be on track for a few days or a few weeks or maybe even a few months only to fall back into old ways.

What am I suppose to do? Sit down with a pen and paper and do some sort of shadow work or connecting dots type of work to move forward?

Yesterday I just felt into a new power, visioning a ‘better’ version of myself and feeling into it and focusing on just how it felt and it felt like’s hard to explain.  It’s as if at this point I’m trying to “feel” into it.  

Because this has felt like a game of Tom and Jerry-A game of my desires/wanting to change/improve and my monkey ego...perhaps just feeling into it is the way to go...

Edited by tashawoodfall

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Sorry for just posting a video, but she explains this topic in a really great way.

Can also recommend her Emotional Mastery series

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