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Anton Rogachevski

Weed as a psychedelic tool

2 posts in this topic

If you only tried smoking, and it didn't work well. Try eating it. Amazing difference.

Almost no dry mouth, very subtle awareness and joy increase, it takes about 30 minutes to start, and then the liver metabolises it into a more potent substance, it can now easily cross the blood to brain barrier. It lasts longer and more subtly, good for emotional work, and a little awareness work.

Better in the evening, it may make you drowsy on the comedown. So it will be good right before bed.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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It can be used to study the reactionary arsings of self seeking pleasure in that experience as well.

The up and down pleasure/pain cycle can help to understand oneself. 

I don’t personally advocate it, but if we want to use it, that is one takeaway from the experience. To observe the up and down effect and our (selfs) relationship to that up down continuity. 


Edited by Jack River

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