
I tend to visualize best when I'm not visualizing.

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Nowadays, in the morning, after I take a shower and eat breakfast,

  • I do positive affirmation for 5 minutes
  • Then, I meditate on my chair for one hour.
  • And then, I take a break for a few minutes and visualize for 10 minutes.

When I try hard to visualize specific things, I'm hardly creative. Proper 10-minute visualization is significantly harder than one-hour meditation. I try to force visualization, and it doesn't work well. When I just try to visualize improvements in general, some visions come to me.

After eating dinner or while I listen to music at night, visualization comes to me effortlessly. Then, my life purpose asserts its very existence and dances in my mind.

My inner steve jobs wakes up and visualizes effortlessly when I'm just relaxing and not particularly trying to visualize.


Is there something wrong with my visualization techniques? Or, is it just another counter-intuitive aspect of life?

If I looked back retrospectively, I notice that my best visualizations were always potential outcomes of my future work rather than process of my work. When I try to visualize process consciously, it is not inspiring.

Edited by CreamCat

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I noticed that my visualization technique improved today. But, it wasn't nearly as emotional as spontaneous visualizations that occur to me.

Edited by CreamCat

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Today, my visualization was even better. I'm seeing progress.

Before starting visualization, I let a seed of visualization come to me. And then, I focused on quantity and diversity rather than perfection and quality when I visualized. Focusing on diversity of outcome works better.

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