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How Can 5meodmt Explain Reality if it is a subset of reality?

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So i have been watching Leos Absolute Infinity videos and he says that science, rationality etc is a subset of reality so it cant explain the whole. (Maybe this is a wrong interpretation of mine).

I have also experienced Absolute Infinity using LSD.

So my question is how can a subset or reality like LSD, DMT etc explain the whole of reality? Or it doesnt? 

Maybe there is no contradiction and i just misunderstood some parts.


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How can you yourself explain anything at all if you are a subset of reality? 

Ultimately nothing can be known, it is literally imposible. That is why in the english language we have a distintion between knowing and being. 


It "explains" by mere virtue that you are it, within that isness of what you are there is the "understanding" of what everything is. 


5meo dmt doesn't not explain anything but remove everything that is in the way of you remembering what you are on an ultimate "level" 


One can also have a transcendental experiences throught orgasms or even giving birth and those are activities, subsets of reality. 


The whole is present within every subset 

Ultimately calling something a subset of reality is itself a distintion created by the mind. 

Edited by Greatnestwithin

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