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Consciousness, architecture of the world dream

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A big step to being conscious about your thoughts, is realizing their importance

Your conscious is like a ray of love and evolution, where you put your attention, what thoughts you think, change the entire world

This mass-reality, a shared dream of consciousness, is upheld by all of us, we are consciousness we are upholding this reality

Your thoughts,

Say you're thinking about someone, you are giving that person a lot of love, helping that person ascend, helping that person energy

You're singing a song in your head, an already existing one or one you just made up, this "song creativity" is uploaded into the subconscious 'library', every single thought is affecting reality, and this "song creativity" will be accessed by and used by music artists of the world who will bring this creativity into physical reality

Thats the thing with 'genuises' think about tesla, einstein, elon musk, mozart, leonardo davinci and'd think these guys are running their own shows being genuises, they are genuises in a way but in another way they expressed the thoughts and creativity of millions of humans who had creative ideas of math and music and engineering but who were living lifes that could not find outlets to this expression

Just like ants, we all have roles, and some ants have different roles, but imagine we are a psychic ant colony that can share thoughts and creativity, we let specific creativity flow to those "ants" that are best suited to express them, so called "genuises"

We all have so many different streams of ideas and creativity inside ourselves, we all have come to face we cannot express all these streams to their full expression in a single life, and most of us our glad if we can fully express one passion in our life

If you can be conscious that your random ideas of camping or cooking or surfing or music or whatever has nothing to do with your current life,those ideas that have nothing to do with where you're heading, if you can be conscious that some bloke on the other side of the planet will make use of your creativity you will feel the importance of letting your positive thoughts flow

Same with facebook likes, it might seem that when a disaster occurs, a facebook post with facebook likes about the event seems silly and useless, it is not, every single moment of your attention is like the sun shining on a flower, it blooms something

You can be in your room, and having ideas about improving the infrastructure of hong kong and that will literally help the city of hong kong, how that city will make use of your consciousness is very subtle and complex, but that is the truth, the dream is made of consciousness, and your attention is worth just as much as investors with money cases for that city, in fact far more

When you truly know this to be true, that your consciousness builds this world up, this common dream, it will be so much more easier, and absolutely meaningful to turn your thoughts to a positive stream



Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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