
Is making fake connections on social media the only way to grow online?

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I know not everyone is making fake connections online, even though deep down I want to say most are. But I see this so much, and I don't know what to do.

The reason why this is an issue for me is because I would like to be able to depend on my business full time as an artist, but its like you need to be fake to get anywhere, especially with the algorithms (particularly when it comes to Instagram).

I just can't do it. I can't be your online like/comment buddy. I do not know you. I don't really like you much either based on what I see. But I feel like I'm supposed to jump on the give everyone a follow/like/comment/thousand emoticon train to get anywhere and get comments back on my work. 

I can't be so fake, and I wonder if I'm shooting myself in the foot, like I'm supposed to play the game. For some people maybe it's real, but I just see a lot of people as a hamster on a wheel not giving much thought to much of what they're doing anyway, nevermind to what they're doing on an app like instagram.

I require a deeper connection than someone dropping by my instagram page, liking a ton of my stuff and being up my *** with their fake although nice comments every post, trying to get my attention to follow them back and be just another cog in their machine. When someone always likes your posts, writes nice things etc it makes people want to do the same in return, and that's how a lot of other artists are getting up there, not so much because their work is great. Decent to very good artists are now a dime a dozen these days to boot anyway. I've followed people back who do this so many times and they're sugary sweet but then they drop off, not intending to make a real connection with me anyway! (could be because I can't 100% behave like they are, liking all their posts, commenting constantly keeping the infinite loop of give/receive going). I was even invited to an instagram pod solidifying this idea because the whole point is you post your new work and everyone in the pod is supposed to like/comment.

So my question is... do I just do what these people are doing to get up there, ignoring what I feel isn't right? Or do I stick to my guns and not follow just anyone back who I don't genuinely have an interest in knowing? Honestly I feel like I need to just focus on my own thing, get better at my work, do what I feel is right and the right people will come. I'll meet them along the way. I find this a struggle too because I'm freelancing to open up more time for my artwork and so I feel like I've got to try my best, and I have these feelings like if I'm not being fake like everyone then I'm not trying hard enough.

Anyway, I tried to get it all out in this post, so thanks for reading but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Do we really need to be fake to get anywhere? I can't make these fake connections... the real ones are far and few in between, just got a couple here. I'm good by myself, but don't want to shoot myself in the foot.

Edited by ytnandg

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Why does is it have to be fake? 

Why can't you interact with people and be 100% real, most people on social media are fake-you're right. Imagine, you being vulnerable, loving, and compassionate with the words you write how big of change it will be and how much people will notice and resonate. Imagine if you actually provide someone value when you interact with them how much of a difference it'll make.

People can usually tell when something is fake based on how you write it and whether or not you actually put some time into what you are writing. If you are genuinely interested in something or you genuinely like something then express that-it's good karma and will come back to you. Of course if you don't really like something or not interested in it then don't comment on it. 

The problem with this approach is it takes time and dedication-but if you can have more heart to hearts you will build genuine followers-not fake ones. 

If you don't like social media as a medium, maybe you have to go old school and network at conferences, etc. or maybe different forums or blogs. Remember don't hate the players, hate the game or maybe you can change the game by being a game changer?

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