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Stage Blue problem/decision

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Let me introduce myself by saying that I am young, muslim and raised up with the typical things we all heard of. Praying 5 times a day, participating in Ramadan, believing in the one and true last prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) etc. Since I have seen the Spiral Dynamics series, I really admire Yellow and Turquoise. I want to go there, but am facing a few problems.

I started meditating I think a month ago. Since I've seen the series, I don't see a reason to do prayers. Meditating is so much more, relaxing. The typical teen problems don't seem to have value when I meditate. I can let go. Does anyone advice me to stop prayers? I wanted to do it, but thought that maybe I should quit whenever I can meditate for 1 hour at least. Until then just prayers, but prayers seem so unnecessary. Leo said that the reason Islam actually wants muslims to pray 5 times a day, is because why not enlighten 5 times a day? But I haven't even experienced enlightenment at all. I tried mindfulness while praying, but moving constantly gets frustrating. 

When I read some statements from Quran/hadith, I saw something about calling your fellow muslims brothers/sisters. I still have the problem that I want to call everyone my brother and sister. Not just muslims. I don't see why I should call only a muslim my brother when every male in this world can be my brother. This problem made me think again about completely leaving Islam and focussing more on self-help books and meditation. Should I just do it? Do I need to, if I want to succeed with self-help, psychedelics etc?

Just in case I need to, or people advice it. How am I supposed to tell my parents? My mom is sunni and my dad is shia. I wouldn't mind keeping it down until I am old enough to be independent. 

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All ideology is falsehood.

Question every belief to death until your mind is free.

Do this privately. Do not make a big public display of it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura but what about the consequences of each questioning? They will make a big public display out of it.

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