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Oneness, Duality, Multi-dimensionality: Expansion Through Addition Rather Than Corruption Through Reduction

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I see a lot of talk on here and other places about duality and non-duality/oneness and just shake my head as I watch this pendulum swing back and forth between two limited views.

I won't go into those former views too much, but want to instead focus on the view that balances, resolves, and then expands from them.  Instead of all is one, and instead of separation, you have connection AND distinction/difference. Things are not JUST one, and things are not JUST different, they're both and the DEGREE between both can be cycled through and focused in and out of like an eye does with vision. Addition and expansion instead of replacement and reduction. Does your eye decide to discard and ignore seeing far-away, when it wants to view something up-close? No, what it does is build a structure that allows it to change and modify it's vision depending on the CONTEXT at play. Which is also what we want to do with our minds if we want to maximize our health and capability. 

Multi-Dimensionality is seeing that polarities/paradoxes interact and have a shared space and in that shared space is a chemistry, and that chemistry is multi-dynamic. It can be adversarial and destructive, it can be complimentary and synergistic, and it can be negligible/neutral and all three of those statuses can vary in intensity and further influence other contexts.

For example, many people have trouble with the duality of Self-Determination vs Automation and with the duality view they try to resolve it as one or the other, a "yes we have self-determination" or a "no we don't" and go in circles with no answer. The oneness people say there is no "I" and no free will and then go on with the comfort of an answer, while being blind to all the nuance and complexity inherent to reality.

But, the answer backed up by Reality and simple experience is that Self-Determination and Automation share a space and that space has a chemistry, that acts on both, changing and developing both, depending on context and duration. Sometimes you can do what you want, sometimes you can't, sometimes you know what you want, sometimes you don't, sometimes you feel motivation for what you want, sometimes you don't. At play in each of those instances is the chemistry between Self-Determination and Automation AND the chemistry going on between all the things underneath this conceptualization of both. Things develop and change, the level of development of Self-Determination changes from a baby to man, just like the level of development in his body changes over the same course.

Things build and add, or clash and collapse across multiple tiers, across multiple facets, across multiple contexts, and across multiple inter-relations, creating multiple chemistries that on micro and macro and meta levels all communicate and shift, creating experience. This is how bodies form, how planets form, how the universe works. It's BOTH incredibly complex with it's dynamics, but also relatively simple in structure. It's just hard for people to hold it all, because they haven't developed individually and as a race to be capable of comprehending it at this level.

How do two hydrogen atoms bond? They share an electron pair and harmonize the attractive and repulsive forces between them (covalent bond). They don't fuse and become one and they don't negate and replace each other, they maintain their space AND create a shared space. How do two people bond? They do the same damn thing in a way and just like those atoms, when the chemistry is upset, the bond breaks. Of course there is much more nuance involved, but you get the idea.

Do you know what feeling is and why it changes? Feeling is the contrast or difference between a change from one position to another. Have you ever been out playing in the snow as a kid and then came into the house to wash your hands?  Do you remember how hot even "room temperature" water felt in relation to your cold hands? It was scalding! But, normally room temperature should mean mild right? Well, that's because what you feel is the contrast or the difference or basically the CHEMISTRY between one position changing into another.  Yet again another example from reality, showing the trinity of two things and their shared space chemistry.

You can't expand beyond a certain point unless you develop and balance both the complexity and simplicity of life, the abundance and scarcity, the pain and pleasure, volition and automation, conceptualization and reality, etc.. And a Trinity level dimensionality is the minimum level needed for balance... there is no balance when you negate and replace one for the other. There is no middle ground with anything less, so if you want healthy coherency and meaning you need, like a story, a beginning, middle, and end. This is the start you need for nuance and expanded levels of understanding and capability.

Anyways, I could go on and on, but I'm curious to see the response before continuing. Also, this isn't just theoretical philosophy or whatever. This is practically applicable and succeeds in that arena. Personally, I have the steadily developing ability to balance attractive and repulsive forces which gives me a shit load of capability and better health.


Edited by Salaam

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Bump. This is an interesting post, and it would be interesting to see what others (that are more knowledgeable than me) think...

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I see this was awhile back but I'm dumbfounded as to why nobody was interested in what you have to share, this kind of interplay within reality is like you said, complex yet simple.

It's honestly ridiculous how old & new-age spirituality has created such a mess of our delevopmental potential, albeit holding much wisdom within the clouds. I'm interested in what led you down the path of your own development? Was it self realised work of your own conclusions, people, knowledge, external factors? 

Also how would one start building a foundational structure on which to see the multi-function / multi-dimensions ?

Many thanks ! 

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On 6/11/2016 at 9:54 PM, Kenya said:


I see this was awhile back but I'm dumbfounded as to why nobody was interested in what you have to share, this kind of interplay within reality is like you said, complex yet simple.

It's honestly ridiculous how old & new-age spirituality has created such a mess of our delevopmental potential, albeit holding much wisdom within the clouds. I'm interested in what led you down the path of your own development? Was it self realised work of your own conclusions, people, knowledge, external factors? 

Also how would one start building a foundational structure on which to see the multi-function / multi-dimensions ?

Many thanks ! 

Sorry for taking so long to respond, works been crazy busy.

Well, our abilities to sensitize towards greater degrees of nuance can be very challenging to commit to on a consistent basis and subtlety by it's very nature is often over-looked for shallower things, that yell loudly. It's a very long, brutal and beautiful road, that pretty much everyone in the world fails at, when it comes to passing certain thresholds of growth with such commitments. And then when you pass those thresholds, you're pretty much going at it all alone, because your way past anything else society has developed the ability to understand.

Anyways, my feel for balance and imbalance is what led me down this road. I couldn't trust the interpretations we had for things, but I could trust and grow to understand how everything moved and would/could inter-relate and synergize. Motion and change were my building blocks.

I wanted harmony, peace, pleasure, and I was tired of being pushed around by the world. I was tired of being blind, having my choices taken away from me, and I burned for the potential for things to be different (well, even that burn, that passion was just a humble little thing at first, but like everything else it grew).

So in order to understand motion and change I had to grow sensitive to it, in my body, in my mind, and outside both. I had to differentiate those sensitivities so I could then understand how those differentiations inter-relate. In order to do that I had to also adjust the speed at which I perceive those sensations, processing faster and faster speeds, while also becoming calmer and more stable.

In order to that I had to become more resilient, so I could handle how these motions would push or pull me as I connected with them. That led me to also taking on how I relate to these motions, because the way I related also brought about change and motion which was compounded and funneled towards certain directions in contrast to the impact of the motions themselves.

Eventually, the progression of things I uncovered and had to take responsibility for developed into a circuit or system of underlying foundational elements that were at all times effecting the quality of who I was, in much more all-encompassing ways then thought alone ever could.

Basically, like a blind person, I learned to read the energies or motions of the most subtle things in the universe, like braille (relatively speaking of course). While at the same time also learning how to build with them. Developing understandings and abilities, skills, as I progressed along the way. Becoming self-sufficient at evolution/foundational growth in the process.

Edited by Salaam

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