
Anyone here use "Insight Timer" free meditation app?

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A guy I met on a retreat suggested it, but I didn't see a use for it until I checked it out again last week. In addition to lots of free guided meditations (not my thing), I realized that you can customize your own meditation with it. Let's say I want to do a 1-hour silent meditation, but I'd like to have a periodic bell to keep me on task. I can control how frequently the bell sounds (I like every 10 mins), and there are 5 or 6 different bell sounds that I can choose from. I set the bell to sound so quietly that it's almost inaudible, but it really helps me to re-focus when I hear it.There's also the option of having background sounds, like rain, a stream, guitar music and a bunch of others. 

Yeah, I know this isn't some breakthrough technology, but dammit I love this app! Plus, you can "friend" people like on Facebook or whatever, and see when they are meditating and you can message them if you like. This function can be totally shut off to keep yourself 100% private, but I like the community and find it motivating. 

Anywho, just a heads-up for you guys. If you haven't loaded it, try it and check it out. Coolest meditation tool I've found.   :)

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