
Magic Mushrooms for the first time.

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Hi there. I am 32 year old. I was a very sceptical, science-oriented guy who totally belived in materialism, but than I've experienced something which seemed to by impossible and that was my first mindfuck, which created room for some openmindness. The topic of enlightement is resonating strongly within me (sounded bit like master Yoda there ;), although I'm just at the beggining of the adventure.

I loved Leos videos on psychodelics and I've always considered myself (and was raised in such a way) anti-drugs, and was totaly ignorant about LSD, mushrooms etc. But doing lots of reaserch, reading about them and hearing about them made me certain that I want to try them. I have some concerns about doing shrooms for the first time, and none of my friends ever did any, so I just wanted to ask you guys a couple of questions:

1. What should be the first dry shrooms dose? I was thinking something between 0,5-1,5grams. I am a bit scared how will I react, that's why I figured maybe starting on a very low dose just to calm myself that nothing bad is gonna happen?

2. Should I do it alone or with a friend sitting in the other room? I have a female friend who is willing to be my sitter, but she has no experience with psychodelics whatsoever. On the other hand I have an option to go to the mountains (not very steep or dangerous, rather hills) all by myself and do them sitting in nature.

3. I've got some serious egzam ahead of me and was wondering should I wait and start the experience after the egzam? Could it be relevant?

4. Does benzodiazepines like diazepam or alprazolam work good to calm oneself in case of emergency?

5. Any other tips for a first-timer? :)

Thank you all in advance and I would appreciate the advice of experienced users :)

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You've stumbled yourself upon the greatest tools to reveal some of the dopest insights. 

1. i would recommend about 2 grams for your first trip, bad trips come from being closed mindedness, dishonesty & having the wrong intention. ex. "to merely trip balls".  It is very different that how the mind imagines it to be. I wouldn't worry about any negative experiences unless you have something to hide from yourself.

2. Trip alone. Your body might feel vulnerable at the time of it kicking in so be ready to take rest whenever and settle in a spot for 30-60 minutes. With low to moderate doses you have full motor control and don't have to worry about any danger to your body. Just be ready to surrender you mind to the experience. 

3. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you have some deep anxiety & doubts about your performance. 

4. i don't recommend taking anything no matter what you experience. Always remember that bad trips are good trips in disguise, if you're free from all distraction, whatever needs to be revealed will be revealed to you. 

5. No one can tell you how it really is. All the stuff anyone else or even I tell you is a dream. You will understand what im saying when you're tripping then and there. 

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Thanks for your reply Vipassana, much appreciated. 

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you're gonna love it! Vipassana has great advice and I 100% agree with it but ill add what I know.

1. I agree with Vipassana on this, 2g is a great beginners dose. 

2. This is difficult to say, a trip sitter is helpful if you have anxiety and can help relax you, but they can also be distracting. I think tripping alone is best when it comes to wanting to produce insights.

3. Just have a day after the trip to process it and you should be totally fine!

4. Nah. You got it dude. It will eventually subside, just remember that if you feel overwhelmed. 

5. My tip is just to be open minded, accept it, and breathe. I would also say when it comes to mushrooms, in my experience, that it kinds of hits hard initially but then gets really smooth and playful after, so just roll with it and breathe.

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