Breathing difficulties while meditating

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When I'm trying to notice my breathing, I can't shake the feeling that I control it. I don't know what to do.


When I'm not aware of my breathing, the breath is very slow and shallow, maybe because I need less oxygen than usual (because of running). So in order to notice the breathing, I need to concentrate.

When I put the attention on the breathing, I start to feel out of breath and in need of more air, and then the mindfuck happens:

  • If I try to breathe more ,that means (and feels) I'm controlling my breath. I end up breathing a lot and getting tired of it.
  • If I decide not to breathe more, I'm controlling my breath. 

Either way I can't do it calmly. 


Most of the time I'm just trying to be aware of being aware of things. trying to feel what comes, recognizing thoughts as thoughts, connecting to the senses with no particular plan or order to it.

Is this OK? Should I somehow be able to concentrate on one thing? If so, how can I do that?

I tried a lot to concentrate on one body part, but I lose it very soon, can't feel it anymore.

It's hard all of this.. xD

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On 28/07/2018 at 6:15 PM, ItO said:
  • If I try to breathe more ,that means (and feels) I'm controlling my breath. I end up breathing a lot and getting tired of it.

You should not do that. If you feel the need, deep breaths should only be taken in the beginning of the session (only 3-5 times). The instruction is to be conscious of your natural breath. 

My guess is, you have lots of tension in your body. This makes meditation very hard and unpleasant. 

In my case, what has truly helped me tap into the meditative state is practicing Tai Chi. 

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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