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The Don

Interesting Questions About Consciousness

2 posts in this topic


When the physical body ceases to exist, what remains? Pure consciousness? If so, how can we know?

And what type of consciousness remains? (The one experienced when taking 5-MeO-DMT?)

And WHO or WHAT is experiencing pure consciousness after we cease to exist? Consciousness itself?

Is consciousness non-human?

Can consciousness think?

Is consciousness individual?

Is consciousness conscious?

We are aware of consciousness but without awareness who's aware of consciousness? And without awareness what's the point of caring about consciousness?

My EGO suffers right now. He thinks it's a tragedy to lose itself when the body ceases to exist.

We shoot for Enlightenment but the Ego is beautiful. Life is extremely beautiful. The human mind is extremely beautiful.

I have a lot of questions and if I keep going like this I'll start to cry because I don't get answers and sometimes it feels like I'll never get the answers because the paradox intervenes.

The human body can experience consciousness. Right? When the human body is gone, what remains? Consciousness? What or who will experience consciousness without awareness?

Can consciousness be experienced without awareness?

I'll stop right here. It's frustrating.

Do you have answers @Leo Gura?

Me on the road less traveled.

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You're conscious. You tell me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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