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The Don

See Clearly Who You Are

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An analogy.


In order to enter the big house we have to first come out the small house. And we sit for some time in between the two and gradually the memory of the big house comes to us.

So you have undertaken the initial stages of the self investigation process. And the initial stages of self investigation involve what's called a 'neti neti' process:

- I'm not this.

- I'm not my thoughts.

- I'm not my sensations.

- I'm not my feelings.

- I'm not my body.

- I'm not my mind.

The 'neti neti' process is only the first stage of the path of self inquiry. It only tells us what we are not.

It is necessary to see what we are. It is not enough to simply see that the rope is not a snake. We have to see the rope. If our investigation only takes us as far as 'it is not a snake' then there is still the possibility that later on we may mistake it for a stick or a shadow.

So we have to go further than just seeing 'it is not a snake'. We have to see it is a rope. We have to go further than seeing simply what I am not. We have to see what we are.

In other words: 'what we are has to see what it is'.

That I that I am has to know itself clearly.

You are not a body or a mind. You have to see that you are pure awareness.

You are inherently peaceful. In other words: 'you cannot be disturbed'.

How do see clearly what we essentially are?

In the exactly the same way that we see clearly what anything essentially is. If you want to know what something is, you give it your attention. If you want to know about Mathematics, you give your attention to Mathematics. If you want to know about music you direct your attention towards music. Whatever you want to deeply investigate, you simply give that thing your attention. And as a result of shining the light of your attention on that object, what it is gradually or suddenly becomes clear.

If you want to know what you essentially are you have to give yourself your attention. That is the essence of self-inquiry or prayer.



Edited by The Don
A quote.

Me on the road less traveled.

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