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Mescaline ? (Peyote, San Pedro)

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It's a psychedelic I rarely see people talking about, never tried it myself but am very curious about it. It definitely sounds like a very mystical experience that could offer a wide range of personal development benefits. I was wondering your guys thoughts on it and how it compares to Lsd, mushrooms, dmt, 5-meo, etc. Is it as much of a mind-fuck as Lsd or shrooms? For me Lsd's time distortion was a bit too much of a mindfuck and so was hoping mescaline's experience would be more "mystical" in nature if that makes sense. 

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Mescaline was really intense for me and much more spiritual compared to LSD and shrooms. Amazing experience and it was one of the best trips I ever had.  I believe it's much more effective for spiritual work 

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@Iorga Camil Did you take it by yourself or in a ceremonial setting if you don't mind me asking? 

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