
Dismantling the ego's false sense of panic

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So the awakening process has really stepped up its game lately and Ive been having lots of deep insights. These insights in turn allow me to go a lot deeper within myself and I want to share one of these insights today in the form of a technique that has really turned out to be one of the most powerful methods of tackling the deepest forms of resistance within myself.

Ive been having an ongoing headache for some 5 to 6 years now and the rest of my body is filled with all kinds of tensions as well. This has been my greatest curse but at the same time my greatest blessing in that I probably wouldnt have been practicing spirituality without it. Im at peace with them right now. As much as I can be. So yesterday for the first time really, Ive been able to adress the deepest rooted tensions and right now, the day after, my entire body feels like its glowing peacefully.

What Ive discovered is that the ego is able to create little moments of panic within you. Whenever you're feeling into a feeling these moments of panic are the exact moments where you tell yourself to stop feeling into it and return safely to thougt. This process is very subtle and therefor can be a very unconscious thing. But Ive been really playing with this and started to ask myself the question.. what is this panic really?

What Ive found is that the ego's panic utilises a couple of similar ways of scaring you out of being with the feeling. 

  1. The idea that you're running out of breathe.
  2. The idea that you're choking
  3. The idea that you're dying
  4. The idea that you're losing it
  5. Any idea with this kind of intensity

Note that every one of these ideas are just that... Ideas. When you feel into a feeling and then when it gets very intense you actually get the idea that you're running out of breathe. This isn't the case at all. Its just a trick of the ego. An ego defense mechanism that you've been obeying all this time. Its one of its many lies. And you can question it. Really, start to notice what happens in the exact moment  you leave the feeling in favor of thought. It can also be subtle form of any of these. But its making you panic straight back to thought, even if only a little bit.

So what now?

All this time your safe anchor point has been in thinking. You return to thinking every time a feeling gets too intense. But what if you change this anchor point to breathing? In other words, being. Any kind of ego idea of panic can be seen through by looking at the breathe and therefor noticing that you are actually perfectly fine in this moment. Its the perfect counter punch to these lies.

This is what would change.

  1. Theres an idea that im running out of breathe / but I can see that im breathing. So im fine. 
  2. Theres an idea that im choking / but I can see that im breathing. So im fine.
  3. Theres an idea that im dying / but I can see that im breathing. So im fine.
  4. Theres an idea that im losing it / but I can see that im breathing. So im fine.

Instead of returning to thought over and over again you can now go waaaaay deeper into the emotions and everytime theres a moment of resistance, recognise that any form of panic is simply an idea that holds no truth. The ego has no actual powers other than creating concepts in your mind. 

You are breathing. You are fine.

Hope this helps you as much as its helping me. Ive been overwhelmed with how deep these feelings can actually go now that theres nothing stopping me from feeling into them anymore. Your entire shadow will reveal itself. It takes some courage at first, but when the lies have been seen through, youll start to slowly ease into this new intensity within you. 

Good luck. :) And let me know if this works for you.

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