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Mixing Strong Determination Sitting And Do Nothing

5 posts in this topic

Hi there,

I was just wondering:

Are a combination of strong determination sitting and do-nothing good techniques for the increase of mindfulness in anyway.

Also, whist doing your strong determination sit is it recommended to put a clock in front of you or will that diminish its effectiveness?

Also, what is the minimum time that you should do the sit for it to be effective?

Also, I find that in the 45min-ish mark that my ability to do-nothing deteriorates as i focus on the pain.

Also, can you move you eyes in the sit or is that not in the same category as blinking etc?


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quit the rules we really have enough of them, surrender and stay in touch with yourself.

Do you feel like mixing is good? => try it. Do you need a clock for calm down? Let one in front of you..

But take the responsability, don't let other make the decision for you. Every kind of meditation you start can be helpful.. if you observe your inner reactions in order to find the answer(s) you need

Have a nice trip :)

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thank you was the best answer i could have been given 

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1 hour ago, MartineF said:

quit the rules we really have enough of them, surrender and stay in touch with yourself.

Couldn't have worded it nicer. When I teach someone meditation or give tips I tend to just say: "Just sit down on a chair or in a lotus-like position on a cushion on the floor for 30 minutes."

Do that for three months and the rest will fit itself. You'll find out on the way if you like to do just "Do Nothing", repeat a mantra, do self-inquiry etc. After doing meditation daily for a year now I come to the conclusion that most people don't do it wrong but tend to get so mixed up in the details that they quit.

Meditation is really simple. Just sit down and breathe. The rest comes by itself. ;)

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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