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Transpersonal Psychology

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Today, I came across "Transpersonal psychology", Prior to this, I had no awareness that infact there is a psychology of enlightenment. I kinda knew that yes, Abraham Maslow was aware of Transcendence but to my surprise found out that even psychologist William James, Carl Jung and Jean Piagent, who are like the boss of psychology and provided crucial theories and learning in this field, were aware, experimented and even lectured on this topic.

And, even then, the majority do not have awareness, understanding or trust on the possibility of different state of consciousness. 

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Just to clarify, transpersonal psychology is not enlightenment. It is more about spiritual and mystical experiences, but short of full-on nonduality.

It's still a great field to study.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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