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Pursuing life purpose in an unstable socio-economic environment

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Hello Everyone,

I am stuck in a 9 to 6 corporate job in a service center and i often feel that i am losing my mind and my integrity doing repetitive tasks in order to ensure my existence. The economics in our country (Romania) are bad enough to keep you traped in gratitude state of mind for what you got already. The unemployment rate is pretty high - 15 % around here, the taxes very high, the monthly income low. In a sense i need to feel satisfied that i have a medium paycheck that enables my to be in a comfort zone. 

Nonetheless I want to make a leap of faith and re-structure my career. I have a degree in Psychology and speak fluently 2 languages - English and Italian - 

I need a start point ( apart from my resignation ) and courage to pursue my vocation (whatever that might be). Truly, i am searching from an objective opinion if it is worth leaving the survival capitalist box and engaging into something on your own, or in this circumstances it will be an act of stupidity to leave a job that is given me stability in order to immerse myself into an idealistic dream of freedom.

Please advise,

Thank you.

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Maybe try to land some psy job in Italy and then slowly move towards a stable private practice ?

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On 4/2/2018 at 1:13 PM, Betis said:

Hello Everyone,

I am stuck (you’re not stuck, you think you’re stuck)  in a 9 to 6 corporate job in a service center and i often feel that i am losing my mind and my integrity doing repetitive tasks in order to ensure my existence. (You have 74 free hours every week (after 7 hrs sleep er night) to change your situation) The economics in our country (Romania) are bad enough to keep you traped in gratitude state of mind for what you got already. The unemployment rate is pretty high - 15 % (the employment rate is high, 85% of people have money for your next business or product) around here, the taxes very high, the monthly income low (great contrast provoking you to get going!) . In a sense i need to feel satisfied that i have a medium paycheck that enables my to be in a comfort zone. 

Nonetheless I want to make a leap of faith and re-structure my career. I have a degree in Psychology and speak fluently 2 languages - English and Italian - WTF? ? How many of these jobs have you applied for? How much networking have you done? 

I need a start point ( apart from my resignation ) and courage to pursue my vocation (whatever that might be). (You don’t need anything. You have too much already. Meditation can free resistant thought patterns, and the ‘shit world’ changes into one opportunity after another, right before your eyes)  Truly, i am searching from an objective opinion if it is worth leaving the survival capitalist box and engaging into something on your own, or in this circumstances it will be an act of stupidity to leave a job that is given me stability in order to immerse myself into an idealistic dream of freedom. (Do both! Unless you need to sleep, play video games, jerk off, etc, etc 74 hours a week - and let go of that assumption you are looking at this objectively - there’s no such thing, it’s conditioning.)

I was where you are almost word for word. Fuck. That. Feel free to pm me anytime, I’m happy to help. 

Please advise,

Thank you.




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