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The Walls Are Moving In, Move To Belize

3 posts in this topic

I'm paranoid. I'm very paranoid on the internet. I don't know how to let go of it.

I use a VPN to access the internet most of the time. Change the ip addresses and countries. I will always use a VPN that is encryped if it is a public wifi.

There was a time when I had switched of javascript, because it can easily be used to track users.

I know how websites can track you just by the version of your browser, the version numbers of the plugins you use, the screen size. Literally everything can be used to track you. 

The way you write can be used to make a profile of you etc.

I have different nicknames I only use for a certain type of website which I will never use on other websites. All the names I use on here I will never use on another website again ever.

I showed this forum to a friend of mine and he saw my nickname. After a few days I changed my name so he can't find my posts anymore. He wasn't really interested but I wanted to be sure. I change my name on here every week just because I can (the forum allows you to). I don't know why.

It frightens me to see that some people use a real photo of themselves on forums. Can be used to match your forum accounts to your facebook and find out your real identity.

The real problem comes when my paranoia carries over to my normal life. When I buy food, what if this is poisoned. When I talk to people I sometimes think about how information I tell them could be used against me. There are things in my head that I know that I can not talk to anyone about, so many pictures and videos and just horrible and really fucked up stuff I have seen on the internet that still haunts me. I know it's just thoughts walking past my windows, but I don't like them.

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It happened to me, not same thoughts as you but similar. They are not true, nothing is gonna happen.

The chatter in the mind begin to multiply if you don't give a rest to your brain.


Do you meditate regularly? That can help diminish the chatter.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I do meditate. But I think I haven't been meditating really recently. It's more like I have just been sitting there for a hour, but not meditating. 

Today I decided to do a "serious" session of meditation. Was cool, after a while it felt like my body was melting with the chair and flowing into the floor. Afterwards I showered like I had never before and music I listened to sounded brandnew. 

I reread my post. O.o:D:D Funny what the thought machine can produce when it is bored. Hahaha

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