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How to manifast realy solid foundations for your own uniqe one member cool private deluxe healthy (open minded one on this time) religion machineB| (for your own sake).

 Religion term being poopooed recently but the real thing behind it is not that bad if you using it corectly... its even nesesery for our well being and its part of our nature also...We are a "loop/pattern spicies" in some inevitble way after all. So we realy could benefit from some religious stuff thet out there.

It the chimps hwo abused, misunderstood and blindly imitated the mysticics hwo used religion in their own manner for their own sake that knew what their doing, big time.

It is just was to radical for the chimps and dictatores to digest. It was too tempting to abuse it. Religion is a sirious toy.

Now thet we been over with thet religious catastrophy i propose for open mind and look back and reinvastigate it more baldly this time.

Edited by Shu

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