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Gabriel Antonio

Dropping The Role of Being “Spiritual”

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This is very common for newbies.

If you see the true masters, they are all very relaxed and enjoying the moment effortlessly, without thinking about spiritual principles. 

And there is nothig worse than preaching spirituality, nonduality to people. 

Some quotes for inspiration:

“My family hates me when I am a Buddhist, but they love me when I am a Buddha.” Forgot who said that

”The goal is not to perfect yourself, but to perfect your love.” Jack Kornfield

”You didn’t come here to be perfect. You came here to be real.” Ralph Smart (?)

Jack Kornfield himself once told about a student of his that said, “I am dissapointed” Jack asked, “About what?”

“You! Because I thought you were calm but seeing you in this retreat, you look like a italian shoesales man.”

In other words, although Jack has been practicing meditation for decades, he is still imperfect. He said one time that he always skip a step on the stairs to save time.

I don’t know if you mentioned this in the Dropping The Roles You Play video, but that is ine role that we, self-help junkies, should all be very mindful.

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