
Good & Evil is goal of life?

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There's something special about acceptance of 'bad, suffering and evil things'

that acceptance which turns all of the above into good as you might have experienced on ur paths

and u only accept them after inner conflict

So I though to myself

what if thats the goal of life?

To accept bad and evil. That will end good and bad conflict in your life. Conflict itself assumes bad. You will be left with no conflict, i.e. with good only.

From that perspective good and evil fight actually exists, and the whole point is when good wins over evil, god wins over devil.

Jesus fought with 'evil', and in the end he just accepted them.

Thats not even up to us, in a sense. Its almost like the mechanism of existence :) only good wins conflict because if bad is still there it assumes that conflict is still going on.

suffering assumes that conflict is still going on, isnt it

then conflict is a sign of evil, and everyone's precious peace is a sign of good

once good won conflict, peace won over war. there is no more dichotomy. theres only happy end if you want

good and evil are just words for sustainable being and unsustainable being

sustainable being is wholeness of all being

sustainable is truth coz it goes on coz its eternal and whole, and its 'according to god plans' and unsustainable is untruth coz it doesn't go on since its not whole and eternal

Holy War = Whole War

mysticism and cosmologies often describe maps of time where existence is full of cycles of good and bad times of humanity, but before the 'end of times', life on earth always have good times, sort of good always wins

Edited by Monkey-man

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@Mighty Mouse well you can pursue problems and purposes with peace and sense of completeness. thats positive motivations (to)

and you can pursue problems with deficiency and inner conflicts. thats negative motivations (from)

big difference

Edited by Monkey-man

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Depends who you ask. I'm wrestling with this myself, but leaning towards yes. This isn't the only goal though, one among many. On one hand, you have those who argue for ultimate relativity and this makes "good" and "evil" arbitrary concepts.

That may be true, but there are also themes deep inside us subconsciously, inside our humanity, inside our being that guide us towards a "better" way. There are ways to live that lead you into a life of despair, and ways to live that enrich your experience and those around you. That's a pretty good goal if you're going to choose one. If you've actualized yourself as part of a community, then as an individual, and ultimately are able to transcend your community, there's a great chance you are an agent of "good."

At the end of the day, this is a choose your own adventure, this just happens to keep coming up over and over as the most enjoyable, challenging, and meaningful way to play the game. Have fun.


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@Mighty Mouse you wouldn't seek truth if there is no difference

you only seek it because there is lack of it (negative motivation)

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2 minutes ago, hundreth said:

Depends who you ask. I'm wrestling with this myself, but leaning towards yes. This isn't the only goal though, one among many. On one hand, you have those who argue for ultimate relativity and this makes "good" and "evil" arbitrary concepts.

That may be true, but there are also themes deep inside us subconsciously, inside our humanity, inside our being that guide us towards a "better" way. There are ways to live that lead you into a life of despair, and ways to live that enrich your experience and those around you. That's a pretty good goal if you're going to choose one. If you've actualized yourself as part of a community, then as an individual, and ultimately are able to transcend your community, there's a great chance you are an agent of "good."

At the end of the day, this is a choose your own adventure, this just happens to keep coming up over and over as the most enjoyable, challenging, and meaningful way to play the game. Have fun.


not the goal in common sense. not that these good and evil exist in common sense. but that they are metaphors of how human life works, from separate to infinite, from conflict to peace

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2 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Maybe. But I don't think that alone would be enough to get one moving very far in the direction required. There is a carrot/stick mechanism but the carrot is total nonsense. What really moves you anywhere, if anything does, is the stick.

Even the perception of lack is actually a "positive" motivation, in the sense that it's not really about the absence of anything desirable but rather the presence of something undesirable.

What you perceive as lack is actually the presence of discomfort. Something is felt as gone missing, even though it was never missing at all. And that's what generates the pain.

So that's a stick, not a carrot, and that's the confinement from which we seek freedom. You never actually find freedom, you only find that the perception of confinement was literally self-inflicted.


Yes, SENSE OF LACK. Thats what I mean.

And no, Carrots and Sticks both there as two sides of the same coin. Both are there to make sure you continue living. Show must go on. To dismiss one over another is duality. Clearly once sense of lack is gone after you find that 'perception of confinement was literally self-inflicted', then you left with carrots or mostly with carrots. Thats what peace is about, you go after carrots, i.e. positive motivations. You stop running away from sticks or sense of lack which is no longer there.

You don't need to move very far, life is not about moving very far, its about this moment in which play takes place. Even to think or to turn your head you need carrots or sticks! Any actions are motivated. Your breath, immune system etc are motivated too. And carrots simply mean that you won't run away from this 'place' (this moment) because from this place you get carrots. Then why do you need to run away from 'here' if whats waiting you here is carrots? This place is good and appreciated and complete because it brings you carrots. While sticks mean that you have a need to run away from here asap, so you can't be here in this place, and thats a conflict. Then this place is bad, its not appreciated, not complete coz you need to run away.

Thats when child plays games. Does it come from a sense of fear? Clearly not, child just likes it for no reason. They do it because of carrots.

There is no some carrots even. Its just play for the sake of play, life for the sake of life. Both carrots and sticks merge into one.

And I don't think there is a need to overemphasise role of carrots and sticks. Thats just part of mechanism. You can't move otherwise. Like eyes are 'mechanism of receiving visual field', ears are 'mechanism of sound field', dna is mechanism or parameters of creating body etc

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