
Using dimensions to conceptualize infinity

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Let's start with the first dimension. A dimensional plane is only defined by what objects is capable to exist within it, so let's start calling all the 1D objects Strings.



• The first dimension is Lenght. Lenght is the only property a String has

• A string infinitely thin, so it won't interact with any other string in any way, but with infinite amounts of them, they can volumize.

• If its "infinitely" thin,  it cant be "finite" in any way

• A string can be in any length it desires, this will not affect higher dimensions because higher dimensions are only determined by the fact that the number of stings is infinite or finite.

For it to be finite in thinness, indicates that it's not infinitely thin.

• It cannot bend because bending it creates "height".

• The string has no shape because shapes are only existent in higher dimensions. If it would have a shape, it would be either 2D or 3D.

• A sting can never be found because finding it means that you have found its "Width", and thus it's not a string, its a rectangle or some other object.

• This means that Strings are groundless, they are space, they are Nothingness.


If you have an infinite number of stings, "space" is formed.

• Space is the infinite number of strings floating around in any way. They are allowed to do this because they can never interact with each other due to their infinite thinness.

• This "space" has nothing excluded because if it would have, it would not be able to be (possible).

If you take away one sting from "space", it's not infinite, thus not a possible building block for higher dimensions.

• Space has to be infinite, while it has to be nothingness. You will understand more as we move on.


Now things get more complicated.

Let's raise the number of dimensions.


2D comes into existence only when you draw boundaries in the constant "space", which is required for a boundary of "Width" to be formed.

Let's say that an infinite amount of strings (stacked upon each other) is required to form a square, but this needs to happen in "space" because "space" is the only thing possible. And because space is composed of an infinite number of strings, it cannot be any shape or form. So to define the square within space you need to draw a boundary within the "space".

This makes 2D an illusion.


And the fact that 3D could be perceived as 2D (by changing perspective, by mere mentioning that our eyes only receives 2D images), proves to us that 3D is a total illusion as well.


Now, if space is truly not-finite, it has to include the art of forming boundaries to be complete, and boundaries can only exist within it (There is no "Within" or "Without", just my vocabulary trying to give the best explanation).



What about 4D?

The fourth dimension is where 3D objects have to behave just as stings to transcend to the next dimension.

This is the basic (very fragile) scientific explanation:

• 1D is a thin line with only the property of "Length".

• 2D is a shape that is formed when an infinite amount of thin lines are stacked upon each other, to form a shape like a square or a circle.

• 3D is when infinite numbers of shapes that are stacked upon each other to form a 3D shape that now has the property of "Depth".

• 4D must go with the same rule, so its an infinite amount of 3D shapes stacked with each other to form…? Time?

Or is it called a tesseract?


Let me "tell" you the truth.


You are space, you are nothing else.

You are the space drawing boundaries upon itself

A boundary is required for "space" to disassociate itself from itself.


1D (space) is absolute infinity, and you are it. 

2D Is when the ego is born, (and its passion is to draw boundaries)

3D is when the ego forgets that it has drawn 2D and goes ahead and further draws (By conceptualizing) 3D.

4D is "Achieved" When we become open-minded enough to realize that 3D is a complete illusion, and then we further realize that 2D is as well. This is how we connect to space, this is how 4D is enlightenment.


Notice that the boundaries have to exist, and by that, you must beautifully travel full circle through the dimensions, only to realize that reality is a strange loop.


Summary: You are absolute infinity that has to be reborn with an ego, in order to create boundaries to make itself complete.

This is how and why God blasted a shotgun in his face, and why the ego needs to be killed in order for you to go full circle upon yourself.


This is only my belief, and I hope you liked my usage of dimensions and string theory in order to conceptualize truth.

I truly am not a master of string theory and dimensions. This idea occurred to me, and I contemplated it further with help of the conceptualization of reality that Leo has provied trough his videos.


Edited by Igor82
Edit 1: Misspelling, Edit 2: Bottom disclaimer

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