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Sahil Pandit

Coping Mechanisms

2 posts in this topic


I was wondering what coping mechanisms you all have and what you are doing to over come them. Here are some of mine:

1. Biting my nails when I don't feel in control of a situation, my feelings, or my mind isn't accepting reality. 

2. Distraction - Following the path of least resistance, mostly avoiding emotional labor involved to make change or growth happen. 

3. Bending the Truth - As in, not telling the way I really feel, but rather, saying what others want to hear so that I can weasel out of a potentially difficult situation.

4. Storing Pent up Emotion in my Body - When I am eating, If I am stressed and not being present - I will flex my calf for some reason, to keep me on my edge..

5. Not speaking up when I should - Telling myself "They wouldn't understand" or "They're not gonna listen or change" This is very hard, especially for us introverts to deal with because those emotions percolate to other areas of our lives. 

6. High and Low tendencies - Some sort of Ego Equilibrium - If I feel very happy, I try and suppress it by researching something depressing. On the other hand, If I feel depressed, I will retreat and take a bath and disconnect from everyone. (Emotional stability is key, working on it) 

7. Rationalizing Mindfulness - This sounds weird, but I get proud sometimes while being mindful, and this is a trap the ego plays to pull be back into old tendencies/habits. 

8. ABSORBING other people's energy - Ugh, I need help with this one. I am naturally very energetic and enthusiastic, but over time that is being sucked out of me by people who have given up on their dreams/ People who have very low Vital Life Force. 

What are some of your coping mechanisms? :ph34r:

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There is alot of things here you mentioned...i try to understand myself and reality as much as possible and when you understand what is going on you cope with it easier and its really interesting and fun to obesrve it then...

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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