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Centers of gravity.

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There are all sorts of centers of gravity on micro/macro thet everywhere/everything is gravitating towordes in reletive gravitational paternes to each other. On reletive "normal human" level those centers can be called as habits, consepts, icones, symbols, words, coca cola, celebirty, religion, meme, logo , foundation, organ, institution, consept, personal/spiritual charactiristics, adictions, ego ect... this principle is universal. Human can also disperse conciously/unconiously centers of gravity by repetetive energy investment and after a while it becomes a center thet gravitating anergy to its self by its own, the biger it becomes the stronger is the effect, it gains its own autonomy (crystallizes?), with/without concious interference. Easy as thet. The choise is up to us what kind of centers we want to reinforce. What kind of ceneters you want to reinforce? What kind of centers reinforcing you? In what patern? For what purpose? Is it extinguishes or revitalizes in micro/macro "your" world?

(Or i just dreaming?))

Edited by Shu

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