Mohamad Tahmas

Nice tip for students

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I use this technique as a student, although I derived it-and similar to Feynman's Technique it's useful. So when I want to understand a subject in Chemistry for example I get my pen and paper and act like I'm teaching someone although I'm alone. I'd explain it again and again without thinking that it's a homework or school subject, instead I'd explain it for the sake of knowledge and that's it! 

The key here is to be a sender(teacher) instead of a receiver(student). Try it out it helps me to grasp the info as a sender more than receiving it and force myself to remember it.

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@Mohamad Tahmas

Yes this works really well. Speculation, but I'd guess part of it is because when you take on the role of the teacher, your subconscious mind assumes you must know the material.



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