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Best Place To Research/study Religions

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Hello, so a while ago I watched one of Leo's video's talking about religions (I don't remember exactly which one) and in the video he encourages us to do do our own research (which is what he encourages us to do in many of his videos) into what the purpose of religion is. I was wondering if this 'research' would be fine to do in university, like taking a class, which I am currently taking a south Asians religions (the class emphasizes Buddhism and Hinduism) though I don't know if that's what he means by 'research' into religions. Do university classes tend to put biases onto teaching about the religions or are they a good place to learn about them? Or should I literally read books and do research online to learn about different religions? this seems a little unreliable to me though due to how much false info you can get online.

 Thank you.:D


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College classes is too much. You don't need to go that far.

Start with Wikipedia.

Then the important thing if you really want to understand all religions, is to start doing self-inquiry and consciousness work. By the time you're done with that, you'll understand every spiritual master who ever lived.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

you'll understand every spiritual master who ever lived.

And that beautiful glimpse makes the terror and insanity aspects of the journey worth it.

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@Leo Gura Isn't Wikipedia really unreliable? Anyone can put anything they want on it, I would probably look on a more reliable one. And what's the difference between consciousness work and self-inquiry? Is consciousness work stuff contemplation? Or is it meditation, contemplation, lucid dreaming, journaling, OBE's, finding life purpose and so on? Thanks again.

Edited by caelanb


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