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Vlad Ropotica

Violent People

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I live in Romania,for the last 3 or 4 years i lived in depresion but,i ''actualized'' myself by pretty hard working.Now , my ultimate goal is to search for happines(no matter the costs) ,every day i do 4 types of meditation (mindful,do nothing,deep meditation ,simple meditation) but there are still some parts in my life that gives me alot of anger.As a kid in romania ,i have troubles with gypsies (there are many of them ) and also many stupid people.every time i get taunted or hitted by one of these guys im getting very angry,and im thinking about dealing them fatal injuries... or beating them with my friends...,.But i just dont want to be like that,violence goes to more violence,revenge...,and i dont want my happines to depend on external things,i am trying to think rational about it,but when its for real, i stop thinking... (im still dealing with some thinking from my depresion past,i was so obsesed with my self-image,and i was thinking about how other people think the worst about me )

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I think violence is only an option if you need to defend yourself and/or your loved ones from physical attacks or even death. Other than that you should avoid it, even if they make fun of you, who cares. Violence is the last resort. Use your mind instead to defend yourself.

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Learn a martial art.  I am sure that there is a boxing/kick boxing/ mma gym where you can train.  Learn to kick ass and get rid of violent thoughts.

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Judging yourself for thoughts is like listening to a song on the radion in your car and judging yourself because the songtext is bad. You didn't write the song!

"The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom." -- Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Violence is a thing of the ego to defend itself. Animals use violence to defend their position in their group, even kill other males because they might become a risk to their survival.

Imo it is better to go the other path. Let go of the anger. Become invincible to judgement and "stupid people" don't annoy you anymore. If you beat someone up for whatever reason you have not become any better at all. You have started a freefall into a deep ditch. The next day someone else will annoy you. The list of things that piss you off will grow and grow to infinity.

If you let go nothing annoys you, nothing touches you if you don't want it to. You are at peace and will be happy. 

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