
30 Days Without Social Media

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this evening I've decided that I will go for 30 days with no social media.


To ensure that I can keep it, I deleted the apps and downloaded Duolingo instead and applied for a language exam in march to have something to concentrate on.

Feel free to comment and/or doing it with me.

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Hey! Great work. I deactivated my Facebook account and deleted my Instagram a week ago, the withdrawals were.. turbulent. Regardless of my suffering lonesomeness without it on some days, I have found so much more of my valuable time to engage in other activities that I really enjoy; which is the reason why I took a break from social media in the first place. And the benefits from taking a break so far are worth it, I feel happier! I feel so free, that I'm not indulging in other people's lives that I barely even know anymore. That I'm paying attention to more important things without procrastinating. I'm not going to lie, there are times during the day where I still do miss it, but taking break from it so far has done me wonders :)  It's made me shift my focus on myself

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i guess it depends on how much of your "life" is engraved in social media to commentate 

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Hi Normally I open my facebook acount, Gmail at night 10p.m. from monday to Friday but saturday/sunday anytime. I will also not open my facebook/gmail untill night 10p.m.and same also for tomorrow and everyday

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Try to have a physical journal instead of a digitial one, that could helps you to un-hook from internet.

Allow yourself to spend some time on facebook/instagram too, like one-time-per-week and find a balance.

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Hey all. I was pretty good today. Up until today even if i have no wifi i open the application every 5-10 minutes automatically. Today I did not use none of these apps. Instead i started to learn data analysis and french and downloaded many educational apps. In the evening i had a 5 minutes cheat on messenger as a friend messaged me if i wanted to meet up.
Apart from that I  have been a good girl.

Downside is that i watched much mercerise today. But I am sick, so it might be because of that as well.

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I did not use any social media today.
I kept myself busy all day and even left my phone home on purpose. Everyone who wanted managed to reach me on other ways.
Feeling great today.

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If you use it the right way, it can be very powerful ally,  if you use it wrong it can lead you to your demise. Facebook serves me greatly personally. Its a powerful contact organisation tool. I have separate groups for the 2 of my bands, the academy I am studding in, the faculty studies, my friends, family and few other communities that I am in contact with. Great for quick member responses and file sharing too. It used to lead me into great procrastination cycles in the past... schooling the wall, commenting and liking stuff mindlessly. 

Now usually I open my facebook and mail accounts around 8 am, write, respond, upload, download, review info from all the people I need to, and than I just have the fb messenger and mail app online on my phone for the rest of the day, I check it once every few hours. Does not get me stuck.

Good luck with your quest and removing your addiction though, :D just wanted to point out few good points of controllable use of social media and similar contact tools. 

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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Thanks guys for all the useful messages.
Today I won my social media break again and it bothers me less and less every day. As the addiction was not as strong as i believed or found different activities,,,

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I think the ship transformed me completely. Now Picking up any rule, habit is easy peasy after two days. I have no issue living without social media at all. I am fine without it, the only thing i miss is to know that all my ship family is alright. I will go back to FB for that but thats it. My dad always used to say that he ship is like the Navy and now I see that he was right...

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I have deleted social media in the past but recently ended up installing Instagram again. I think an issue with social media is craving 'likes' and having that fluctuation affect your emotional wellbeing. I am also against Facebook for all of the useless, low consciousness, scrollable information. I only keep Facebook to be active on University class groups. 

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