Juan Cruz Giusto

Setting The Proper Expectations For Success Summary

1 post in this topic

Dream big, strategize bigger

Expectations matter a lot. Just having the wrong expectations can determine the difference between success and failure. The most common failure point in every project or endeavor is because they underestimate the cost, time, energy and emotional labor that the project requires to be actualized. Just having the wrong idea of the time your project will take will destroy your intentions.

We expect something from nothing. We expect great relationships, awesome businesses and so on without any cost or effort. The consequences of wrong expectations are:

-          You will get frustrated easily and quit prematurely

-          You will not accomplish nothing big with your life

You cannot expect to generate profit in the first year of your business. It is just a ridiculous expectation. You cannot expect to become enlightened in just one retreat.

The expectations that you set determine your level of perseverance, and this is one of the most important factors in your success. If you set unrealistic expectations, you will end up quitting. Expectations also determine how you judge yourself. Always ask if you have the right expectations!!!

Expectations also determine how good you feel about your work. Expectations determine how hard you practice. Also, they determine how you strategize and make plans.

The scope of your projects must match your will and your resources.

How to set the right expectations for yourself:

1-      Do research into the thing you are trying to succeed at. Get fascinated about the “behind the scenes”.

2-      Read biographies

3-      Interview successful people in what you want to accomplish

DREAM BIG, BUT IN A REALISTIC WAY. If you want to accomplish big things, you need to strategize bigger and more intelligently. You have to be 10x more pragmatic. Realistic doesn’t mean that you don’t dream big, just realize that it will take a lot of work. Get truthful about how is going to cost you and ask yourself if you are willing to pay it.

Don’t let expectations limit you though…

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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