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Spiral Dynamics And Absolute Infinity

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In spiral dynamics, is experiencing and understanding absolute infinity stage turquoise? If not, what is turquoise?

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I think stage yellow is the first high-consciousness or enlightened stage.  Yellow sees the paradox of reality, which comes from non-dual consciousness.  Yellow is not stuck in the rationalist paradigm and sees everything as inter-connected systemically.  Yellow has very high-awareness and is also very comfortable with facing reality head on.  That's what causes systems thinking.  Yellow is interested in finding sustainable, systemic solutions to the problems that they care about.  Personal development and self-help theory is a stage yellow system.  You're rigging-in little permanent solution modules (routines) to address certain pin-pointed underlying problems in the distributed system which is you.  But what separates yellow from orange is yellow acts with selfless rather than egoic motives.  Yellow keeps stage green's dream of helping to advance humanity, contributing to humanity, to the greater good, in some way.  Yellow is a higher-consciousness stage orange basically.  Now you can kind of see where stage turquoise is born out of.  Yellow becoming more collectivist is one arrow of change.  The solo-flier becomes a synergizer.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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