
( Rant ) You Are Not Really You !

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This thing you call "you" is an illusion. Your name, your hobbies, what you believe is right/wrong, is all a load of horseshit. 

Even your damn name isn't your name, it's just a label given to you since birth. Same thing with your social security number and your ID number. 

& Speaking of ID's, I'd suggest you take a good look at your ID and/or Driver licenses. That piece of plastic with your picture & writing doesn't mean anything. Hell, the writing itself is just a bunch of bullshit. But feels so real doesn't it? Those lines and curves make up this thing we call language. Can you REALLY see past that shit? Or is it too difficult for you? 

To the hairless monkey reading these pixels through a lit screen, you need to wake up soon! The only thing you will ever know of reality is what you already have! Sight, touch, smell, sound, taste, thoughts. THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE.

Stop overcomplicating everything 

Stop getting engrossed with so many fucking concepts and ideas 

Stop being unconsciously conscious 

I find it astounding that people get depressed, get suicidal, get fearful of life/death, get stressed over stupid shit, yada yada 

You might say, what's the solution? How do I overcome this thing we call ego? 

Well first of all, ego doesn't fucking exist. So if you're gonna try to stop the ego WITH your ego, you're going to have a really hard time. It'll be an Endless loop of going nowhere !

So what is it? It's pretty simple, and it's the simplest thing life can give us, and that is to JUST OBSERVE

No matter what you do, you will be breathing. blood will be flowing within your body, the neurons on your brain will be working, your nerves will be firing throughout your body. 

Take a step back, breathe, and just fucking observe. That's life right there.



Edited by Alii

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@Alii This is why enlightenment is the gateway to personal development.  All your problems are illusions.  Heaven is a choice you can make right now.  And you don't need anything materially to enter Heaven.  Once you let go, that's when you surge forward, paradoxically.  It's funny that so much monkey-chatter is required to become enlightened, yet enlightenment is the absence of monkey-mind.  That's the paradox of paradoxes.  The highest paradox!  Illusion is needed to become enlightened, yet enlightenment is the ditching of all illusion.  So, all these people who pooh-pooh monkey-mind should realize it is a necessary path to enlightenment.  You don't go from 10 to 40 without passing through 20 and 30 first.  It's real easy to stand at 40 and say -- yeah don't worry about theory, just practice.  This is not how it works.  You gotta chew theory until your mouth is bleeding from all corners, and you finally stand there exhausted thinking -- I get that this ain't gonna work now.  But you have to get there, you can't just realize this intellectually and bypass the screwing-up.  This is a banging-your-head-against-the-wall kind of getting, not some epiphany you get reading a book listening to Mozart in the comfort of your feather bed.  You didn't learn how to walk by reading a book.  You stumbled around and finally came to the result over time.  Same thing with enlightenment.  You stumble into and out of one trap and into the next one.  Smarties are just people who see where you are and likely don't see where they are.  It takes another smarter-smartie to identify the smartie's trap, and so on and on ad infinitum.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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