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Hey friends,

I completed Leo’s Life Purpose Course around 1 year ago. At the time, I was deciding between becoming a classical Pianist, Iyengar Yoga teacher and Health coach. After many painstaking hours of rattling my brain I felt that the most appropriate life purpose was to become a Health coach because I felt like I could have a big impact on people, and I’m super passionate about it. It’s what I do every day, and what I spend all my money and time on. (Coaching/improving myself) It’s what lead me to start this journey in the beginning. I was always super curious about what methods are out there to improve my health, both physical and emotional, and now of course, spiritual. Essentially the plan was to do what I always do, use myself as a guinea pig, then report how “this or that” affected an average Joe like myself. Through YouTube or Face to Face/Skype etc. I’ve had this feeling for a while that it will evolve, from Health coach, to Life coach, to Spiritual coach. My current plan is to do the Bullet Proof Coaching certification starting this November. It's a coaching program that ties in all aspects of healing and super charging the body's mitochondria through Diet, Water, Light, EMF, Mindfulness, and all kids of different things. The company has helped me no end over the last 3 years. They are kicking one off in Australia for the first time so it has aligned nicely. Because of all my exploration into non-duality and the likes, lately I feel like my intuition is trying to tell me there is far more to healing (in all aspects) than the scientific paradigm can offer, and this has been making me question my next leap.  I still feel like this will be a good stepping-stone for me even if it’s not exactly what my life purpose will be in the end. I’m not going to ask “should I do it?” because I know I’m the only one who can answer that, however certainly welcome anyone else’s insights.


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16 minutes ago, Voyager said:

...I feel like my intuition is trying to tell me there is far more to healing (in all aspects) than the scientific paradigm can offer, and this has been making me question my next leap.  I still feel like this will be a good stepping-stone for me even if it’s not exactly what my life purpose will be in the end. I’m not going to ask “should I do it?” because I know I’m the only one who can answer that, however certainly welcome anyone else’s insights.

I would not worry about it, because you will undoubtedly implement any innovative approach which will benefit your client.

In regards to healing, one ought to remember that it is the body which heals and not the approach or the practitioner. That is, both practitioner and approach only assist the body to heal itself. Having that in mind may start opening doors towards that far more to healing than the scientific paradigm can offer.

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@Visitor That's what I'm thinking. There are SO many techniques for healing in so many different paradigms. The current paradigm of healing i'm using costs a lot of money! New health tech to market, supplements etc! Oh my gosh there are millions of supplements! It would be fantastic to get into other paradigm's healing techniques. I feel very much drawn to it. 

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@Visitor Just a thought, why not help others to determine (intuitively) which foods to access for their body to replenish what chemicals it needs.

Pregnancy brings this intuition out very strongly in mothers to be. Now there's a challenge even for a nutritionist.

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