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As Long As I Have More Time To Myself Right?

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Okay, so I am planning to go off to an ideal city to live on the edge of it near a nature preserve where I will be safe to concentrate as long as I want. I have been homeless in the past. I am actually quite a relaxed person but being placed recently in a small suburb has exploded my brain with ideas of what I will become. I honestly don't care to make an impact on the world if that requires giving up on the full time commitment to myself of seeing the true nature of any scenario. It sounds like a cop out to think I should act now in humanitarian views if maybe by chance I will learn something universal shattering for us all anyway.

I'm not very nervous about it as I have actually been to many places around the country on my own, without money. I only struggle to understand what feeling content in one place may bring, if I will lose myself without anyone around to talk sense. I guess that's what it takes.

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2 hours ago, Jamesc said:

...I only struggle to understand what feeling content in one place may bring, if I will lose myself without anyone around to talk sense. I guess that's what it takes.

It's okay to be the only one who talks sense. At least you will know you make sense.

Seriously though, the more truthful you become the more isolated you may find yourself from others. Most are honest when they need to be, but most prefer to avoid exposing their own truth to others. And this is wherever you go, whether you travel, stay put, in a saloon, or in a church. But all of this does not matter anymore, because truth becomes your best friend. You would rather be alone with truth, than with a crowd of deceived.

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