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The Long Road To Self-actualization

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Today begins the personal blog. For a few months i have begun meditating and recently have begun to have some insights on life. But the potential is infinite, and the journey will be endless. But here it starts. For the first time, today I have cut down on my video gaming and meditated more, tried to find peace in solitude, doing nothing. Today I make a serious commitment to really grow as a person, no matter where that takes me, no matter what I have to lose. I need to read more as i have a meditation habit in place already. In the coming week i shall start reading more, doing more exercises to change bad habits, and try to physically exercise more, in the coming months i will try to change my diet, stay off weed and cigarettes, wean off video games and up my contemplation techniques and meditation. Sounds lofty but there's so much to do. I will be posting soon.

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Beyond logic or constructs.
An endless sentence
There is

Stillness. Peace. Eternal. Transcendending transcendence.

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